Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/661

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APPENDIX G 641 RossLYN, Blanche Adeliza, wife of 4th Earl of 1905. RossMORE, Josephine Julia Helen, 2nd wife of the 3rd Baron. 1879. Seaton, John Reginald, 3rd Baron. J909- Sherborne, Susan EHzabeth, 2nd wife of 3rd Baron. Tankerville, George Montagu, 7th Earl of. 1879. Waterford, Florence Grosvenor, ist wife of the 5th Marquess of. 1870. Westbury, Agatha, wife of 3rd Baron. Winchilsea, Louisa Augusta, wife of George William Heneage,;/)'/if^ Viscount Maidstone, ists. of the iithEARLof 81