Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/663

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APPENDIX H 1776 >43 In this year Irish honours were cast about with reckless profusion and though in one or two cases they had no connexion with the Government of Ireland, in the rest « the terms of the bargain were well known to be an engagement to support the Government by their votes in the House of Lords, by their substitutes and their influence in the House of Commons." Horace Wa.lpole (Last Journals) rightly called it " a mob of nobihty," and adds that " the King in private laughed much at the eagerness for such insignificant honours." The following is a list of the creations and promotions of this year, in numbers never before approached in the peerage, and only once surpassed afterwards in Ireland, in 1 800, for the purpose of effecting the Union. Eighteen Commoners ennobled 18 July 19 Sir Thomas Maude „ George Macartney „ Archibald Acheson Ralph Howard Sir Richard Philipps „ Thomas Wynn „ Charles Bingham Alexander Macdonald Sir William Mayne James Agar "William Edwardes William Lyttelton Robert Ongley Molyneux Shuldham John Bourke St. Leger St. Leger Clotworthy Upton Hugh Massy 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 J) 5> I Aug. 3 4 ON ll cr. ■>■> ■)■> » » y> ■>■> » •>■> >) ■)■> CONSECUTIVE DAYS Lord de Montalt Macartney Gosford Clonmore Milford Newborough Lucan Macdonald Newhaven Clifden Kensington Westcote Ongley Shuldham Naas Doneraile Templetown Massy » » Eight of these peers received further promotion as follows : — Lord Gosford was cr. Viscount Gosford 20 June 1785 „ „ „ Macartney 19 July 1792 and Earl Macartney i Mar. 1794 Viscount Wicklow 21 June 1785 Earl of Lucan i Oct. 1795 Viscount Chfden 12 Jan. 1781 an English peer as Lord Lyttelton of Franckley 13 Aug. 1794 Naas „ „ Viscount Mayo 13 Jan. 1781 and Earl of Mayo 24 June 1785 Doneraile „ „ Viscount Doneraile 22 „ 1785 Macartney Clonmore Lucan Clifden Westcote 11