Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/666

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646 APPENDIX H In addition to the above promotions, the following 13 commoners were ennobled 1790-98, all of them being promoted on the eve of the Union, 1 800-01, saving only John, Lord O'Neill, when, owing to his death, the promotion came to his son, and three of them, Lords O'Neill, Bandon, and Caledon, being cr. Viscounts in the interval, i.e. on 3 Oct. 1795, 6 Oct. 1795, and 23 Nov. 1797 respectively. James Alexander William Cecil Pery Francis Bernard Richard Longfield Charles Agar Barry Yelverton Richard "White Chas. Monck Wm. Trench Chas. Bury Sir Valentine Browne Arthur Wolfe 6 June 2 „ 30 Nov. I Oct. 12 June 15 » 24 Mar. 23 Nov. 25 » 26 „ 12 Feb. 1790 cr. 1790 » 1793 » 1795 » 1795 » 1795 » 1797 » 1797 » 1797 » 1797 » 1798 » 3 July 1798 Lord Caledon „ Glentworth of Mallow „ Bandon „ Longueville „ Somerton „ Avonmore „ Bantry „ Monck „ Kilconnel „ Tullamore „ Castlerosse and Viscount Kenmare Kilwarden 1800 and I 801 Sir Charles Whitworth 21 Mar. cr. Lord Whitworth The Earl of Mountrath 31 July >j » Castle Coote with spec, John Bingham 31 » » )» rem. Clanmorris The Hon. Clotworthy Rowley 31 » » j> Langford Henry Sandford 31 » » 5> Mount Sandford Sir John Henniker 31 » » J> Henniker Maurice Mahon 31 )> » J> Hartland Sir John Blaquiere 31 )> » 5J de Blaquiere Lodge Morres 31 » » » Frankfort de Mont- morency Dame Dorcas Blackwood 31 )> j> Baroness DufFerin William Hare 31 » » Lord Ennismore Henry Prittie 31 j> >j » Dunally Dame Charlotte Gleadowe Newcomen 31 » )) Baroness Newcomen Sir Richard Quin 31 >j » Lord Adare John Preston 31 » » » Tara Sir Thomas Mullins 31 » » » Ventry Joseph Blake 31 » » » Wallscourt Viscount Bandon 6 Aug. )) Earl of Bandon O'Neill in Aug. » » O'Neill Sylvester Douglas 30 Nov. » Lord Glenbervie