Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/68

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48 CARNARVON WiLLEY. She, who was b. 3 Nov. 1834, at Chesterfield House, was sister and sole h.(^) of the 7th Earl of Chesterfield, who d. unm. i Dec. 1871, aged 40. She d. of puerperal fever, 25 Jan. 1875, at 16 Bruton Str., Midx., and was bur. in the cemetery at Highclere.() He m., 2ndly, 26 Dec. 1878, at Greystoke Church, Cumberland, his cousin, Elizabeth Catherine, ist da. of Henry Howard, of Greystoke Castle (s. and h. of his maternal grand- father, Lord Henry Thomas Howard-Molyneux-Howard abovenamed), by Charlotte Caroline Georgina, da. of Henry Hawes Long, of Hampton Lodge, Surrey. He d. 28 June 1890, at 43 Portman Sq., aged 59, and was bur. at Highclere.('=) Will pr. at ;^3 13,259 gross and £,2j^^,^i() net. His widow, who was b.i() Mar. 1858, at Greystoke Castle, was living 1912. X. 1890. 5. George Edward Stanhope MoLYNEux (Herbert), Earl of Carnarvon [1793] and Baron Porchester of HiGHCLERE [1780], 1st s. and h., being only s. by ist wife; b. 26 June 1866, at 66 Grosvenor Str.; styled Lord Porchester till 1890; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge. High Steward of Newbury. A Conserva- tive. He m., 26 June 1895, at St. Margaret's, Westm., Almina Victoria Maria Alexandra, only da. of Frederick Charles Wombwell, by Marie, formerly Mdlle. Marie Boyer. [Henry George Alfred Marius Victor Francis Herbert, s. and h. ap., b. 7 Nov., and bap. 17 Dec. 1898, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 12,800 acres in Somerset (valued at C^,()^^ a year); 9,340 in Hants (;/^6,50o); 8 in Wilts (;^96); 68 in Devon (^^36); 13,247 in Notts {£22,-fi2^) and 120 in co. Derby (;/^ioo), of which the last two (in value considerably more than half of the whole) were the ancient inheritance of the Stanhope family. Total 35,583 acres, valued at ^37,211 a year. Principal Residences. — Highclere Castle (near Newbury), Hants, and Pixton Park, West Somerset. (^) As to her inheritance of Bretby Hall and other Stanhope estates, see note sub George, Earl of Chesterfield [1866]. V.G. C>) " Had everythins;, beauty, talent, charm and goodness." (Lady Waterford, 5 Feb. 1875). V.G. {f) "Very cultivated and refined, he has a manner which is too mincing to inspire confidence ... he wants both grip and grit" {Society in London, 1885, p. 218). "Of broad sympathies, liberal mind and warm imagination " {Life of Lord Randolph CImrchill). " His literary ability was remarkable. He was a fine scholar, and possessed a really astonishing fund of information on every subject . . . His deep affec- tion for his wife, and her devotion to him, combined with the complete sympathy of their tastes and occupations, made them ... an ideal couple, and in his own house and among his own people, no one was ever more beloved. He was too chivalrous a man for the hurly-burly of public life." {Memories of Fifty Tears, by Lady St. Helier, 1909, p. 265).