Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/71

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1702 to I7I6. [1716 to 1 737-] CARNWATH 51 V. 1702 5. Robert (Dalzell), Earl OF Carnwath, fsfc. [S.], 2nd cousin (once removed) and h. male, being s. and h. of Sir John Dalzell, Bart. [S.], by Harriet, da. of Sir William Murray, ist Bart. [S. 1664], of Stanhope, which Sir John was s. and h. of Sir Robert Dalzell, cr. a Bart. [S.] 1 1 Apr. 1666, s. and h. of the Hon. John D., all of Glenae, co. Dumfries, who was 2nd s. of Robert, ist Earl of Carn- WATH [S.] abovenamed. In Mar. 1689 t sue. his father in the Baronetcy and in the estate of Glenae afsd. He was l>. probably about 1687; was ed. at Cambridge, and was of the English Episcopal Church. Engaging in the Rising on behalf of the exiled Royal line, he was taken prisoner at Preston, 14 Nov. 1 715, and his impeachment was read 19 Jan. 171 5/6 before the House of Peers. He pleaded guilty, and was on 9 Feb. sentenced to death as a traitor, and, being attainted, his estate of ^^863 per annum, as also his Peerage honours were forfeited.(^) His execution was, however, first respited, and afterwards altogether remitted. He ;«., istly, 19 Jan. 1 710 (date of cont.), Grace, 3rd da. of Alexander (Montgomerie), 9th Earl of Eglintoun [S.], by his ist wife, Margaret, da. of William Coch- rane, j()'/(?i/ Lord Cochrane. She d. s.p.m., Jan. 1713. He ;«., 2ndly, 3 June 1720, Grizell, da. of Alexander Urquhart, of Newhall. She d. and was bur. 4 Sep. 1723, at Bath Abbey. He m., 3rdly, 15 Nov. 1728, Margaret, da. of John Hamilton, of Bangour. She d. 13 Feb. 1730, at Edinburgh. Fun. entry in Lyon office. He m., 4thly, 19 June 1735, at Worksop, Notts, Margaret, 3rd da. of Thomas Vincent, of Barnborough Grange, co. York, by Isabel, da. of Philip Packer, of Groombridge, Kent. He d. 4 Aug. 1737, at Kirkmichael, aged about 50. His widow, who was bap. at Barnborough 5 Nov. 1696, d. in London 11, and was bur. 15 Apr. 1758, at St. Margaret's, Westm. The following is an account of the successive heirs to the Grantee of the above Peerages after the forfeiture: — VL 1737. 6. Alexander Dalzell, ^/v//'«§-A/wjf^ and who, but for the attainder in 171 6, would have been. Earl of Carnwath, {^c. [S.], s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 2, and bap. 4 Feb. 1 72 1/2, at St. James's, Westm. He w., before 1753, Elizabeth Jackson, spinster. He d. 3 Apr. 1787, at Kirkmichael, aged 65. [Richard Dalzell, styling himself Master of Carnwath or Lord Dalzell, s. and h. ap., b. 23 July 1753. He m., in 1775, Elizabeth Johnston, spinster. He d. s.p.m. and v.p., 5 July 1 782, in England, aged nearly 29.] (') For a list of Scottish peers attainted after the Rising of 17 15 see vol. i, Appen- dix E.