Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/80

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6o CARRICK the Lord Chancellor.(') On 14 Jan. 1632/3, he had charters of the Barony of Ethay, (^c, "including Carrick in Orkney." He m., 26 Oct. 1604, at Chelsea, Midx., Elizabeth, widow of Sir Robert Southwell, da. of Charles (Howard), ist Earl of Nottingham, by his ist wife, Katherine, da. of Henry (Carey), Baron Hunsdon. He d. s.p.m., between 22 June 1643 (when he was on the Convention of Estates Sederunt) and 1645/6, when his Peerage dignities became extinct. His widow was bur. at Green- wich, Kent, 31 Jan. 1645/6. Admon. 3 Mar. 1 645/6, C") 12 Aug. 1651 and 21 Feb. 1653/4. CARRICK [Ireland] [Edmund BuTLER,afeudal lord in Ireland (1290-1321), received, i Sep. 13 1 5, the feodum of the castle and manors of Karryk Macgriffyn and Roscrea, to him and his heirs, sub nomine et honore Comitis de Karryk.(f) This appears, however, to have failed in creating him EARL OF CARRICK [I.], and he is seldom so described. C) He d. 13 Sep. 1321, and on 2 Nov. 1328 his s. and h. (as "James le Botiller") was cr. Earl of Ormond [!•]•()] EARLDOM [I.] I. Somerset Hamilton Butler, 2nd and yst. s. of J o Thomas, 6th Viscount Ikerrin [I.], by Margaret, da. ^ ' and coh. of James Hamilton, of Bangor, co. Down, was b. 6, and bap. 9 Sep. 1718, at Marylebone, Midx.; sue. his br. James, the 7th Viscount, in the Peerage, 20 Oct. 1721; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) i July 1735; P.C. [I.] 14 Apr. 1746; LL.D. Dublin, 23 Feb. 1747. On 10 June 1748, he was cr. EARL OF CARRICK,(') CO. Tipperary [I.]. Hem., 18 May 1745, Juliana, only da. of Henry (Boyle), 1st Earl of Shannon [I.], by his 2nd wife, Harriet, da. of Charles (Boyle), Earl of Burlington [E.] and Earl of Cork. [I.]. He d. 1 5 Apr. 1 774, at (^) There is a warrant, dat. 8 July 1622, to " pay to Lord Kinclevin his pension and the arrears thereof as he can hardly live without it." V.G. (*') The admon. (Latin) is granted to Sir Matthew Mennes, K.B., on behalf of his daughter Margaret, a minor, "nept' ex filia " of the Countess; the latter is described as "Comitissa dotissa Kincleven alias Carryk defuncta." V.G. ('^) This is one of the few (li in number) charters or patents of creation known to exist of Irish peerages before 1 500. See vol. i, Appendix A. V.G. («') See, however. Patent Roll, 23 Nov. 131 6, "Mandate to Edmund le Botiller, Earl of Carryk, to deliver to Roger de Mortimer the Rolls belonging to the office of Justiciary of Ireland, which he lately held"; also Patent Roll, 4 Nov. 1317, where he is called " Earl of Carrick in Ireland." In later references to him the style is omitted. V.G. (^) See fuller account of this matter, ante, under "Butler," Barony [I.], vol. ii, p. 449, and a further notice, by J. H. Round, in The Genealogist, N.S., vol. v. (*) i.e. Carrick-upon-Suir, where the Earls of Ormond had large possessions. He is said to have been the lineal descendant and h. male of John Butler, 2nd s. of Edmund Butler, on whom the Earldom of Carrick [I.] was, invalidly, conferred i Sep. 1315, as abovementioned.