Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/87

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CARRINGTON 67 attend the Pari. [I.] of James II, 7 May 1689.O He w., istly, Juliana, 2nd da. of Sir Thomas Walmesley, of Dunkenhalgh, co. Lancaster, by Juliana, da. of Sir Richard Molyneux, Bart. She was living 5 Dec. 1670. He ;«., 2ndly (settl. 23 May 1687), Anne, da. of William (Herbert), ist Marquess of Powis, by Elizabeth, da. of Edward (Somerset), 2nd Mar- quess OF Worcester. He d. s.p.s., and was hiir. 7 Apr. 1701, at Ashby Folville afsd., aged about 80. Will (which he signs as Qirington") dat. 18 Jan. 1700, pr. 30 Apr. 1701. His widow, who was an active Jacobite, ^.11, and was bur. 16 May 1748, at Hendon, Midx. Will dat. 31 Aug. 1747, pr. May 1748. III. 1 701 3. Charles(^) (Carington or Carrington, otherwise to Smith),Viscount Carrington ofBurford [I.] and Baron 1706. Carrington ofWotton [E.], only surv. br. and h. male, I?. 5 July 1635. He m., 1 1 Feb. 1656/7, at St. Margaret's, Westm., Frances, 2nd da. and coh. of Sir John Pate, Bart., by his ist wife, Elizabeth, da. of W^illiam Skipwith, of Cotes, co. Lincoln. She d. 8 July 1693, and was l>ur. at Wootton-Wawen. M.I. He d. s.p.m., 11, and was bur. 1 7 May 1 706, at Ashby Folville afsd., aged 70, when all his honours became extinct. Will (which he signs as "Carington) dat. 8, pr. 17 May 1706. CARTERET and CARTERET OF HAWNES BARONY. I. George Carteret, was s. and h. of Sir Philip C, by Jemima, da. of Edward (Montagu), ist Earl of I. 1 68 1. Sandwich, which Philip was s. and h. ap. of the celebrated loyalist, Sir George Carteret, Bart, (so cr. 9 May 1645), but d'. v.p., 28 May 1672, being blown up (with the Earl, his wife's father) in the naval engagement off Solebay. He was b. July 1667, and, after having been m. when a child, by the influence of his said grandfather, sue. him in the Baronetcy 13 Jan. i679/8o.('=) On 19 Oct. 1681, he was cr. BARON CARTERET OF HAWNES, co. Bedford, with a spec. rem.('*) failing heirs male of his body, to his brothers Philip Carteret and Edward Carteret in like manner respectively. He voted with the Whigs. (^) For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., see Appendix D to this volume. (*>) He is entered in the registry of his marriage ( 1 65 7) as " Charles Carington, allai Smith." {^) His grandfather d. two days after the warrant for raising him to the peerage, II Jan. 1679/80, had passed, and by Royal warrant, 11 Feb. following, his widow. Dame Elizabeth Carteret (da. of Sir Philip Carteret, of St. Owen, in Jersey), had the precedency of the widow of a Baron, becoming thus, apparently sua jure Baroness Carteret. (<^) This is an early instance of a spec, rem., a distinction rarely granted before the 19th century. For a list of, and remarks on, spec. rem. granted to commoners, see Appendix F to this volume. V.G.