Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/106

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88 DARTMOUTH CO. Stafford. He d. after three months' imprisonment, " suddenly C) of a fit of apoplexy, his lady being in bed with him," 25, and was bur. 27 Oct. 1691, at Trinity Minories, with his parents, aged 44.() Admon. 21 Nov. and I Dec. 1691. His widows/. 28 Jan. 17 17/8, in her 68th year, and was bur. with him. M.I. Will dat. 20 May 1714, pr. 11 Feb. 1717/8. 111. 1 69 1. 2 and I. William (Legge), Baron Dartmouth, s. and h., b. 14 Oct. 1672; ed. at Westm. school, and at EARLDOM. King's Coll. Cambridge; took his seat in the House of - Lords, 22 Nov. 1695. ^^» being a Tory, was one of the ^ 7 1 1 • Lords for Trade and Plantations, June 1 702 to June 1 7 1 o ; P.C. 18 June 1702 to Sep. 17 14; Sec. of State for the South, June 17 10 to Aug. 1713; Joint Keeper of the Signet for Scotland 1 7 10-13. On 5 Sep. 171 1 he was cr. VISCOUNT LEWISHAM,(«) of CO. Kent, and EARL OF DARTMOUTH; Privy Seal Aug. 1713 to Sep. 1 7 14, and, as such, one of the Lord Justices of the Realm, i Aug. to 18 Sep. 1 7 14, on the death of Queen Anne.('^) He w^., 18 July 1700, at Aylesford, Anne, 3rd da. of Heneage (Finch), ist Earl of Aylesford, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir John Banks, Bart. He d. 15 Dec. 1750, at Blackheath, and was bur. from Greenwich at Trinity Minories afsd., aged 78. Will dat. 22 Jan. 1747, pr. 4 Jan. i750/i.(') His widow d. 30 Nov. 1751, and was bur. with him. Will dat. 23 Dec. 1750, pr. 1752. I shall incadge her affections before things are agreed, which truely I doe endeaver as much as in me lyeth tho the mother is seldom from us." On 4 Dec. 1667 Col. Nor- wood writes to Lord Dartmouth as if the marriage had then recently taken place. [ex inform. J. H. Round). V.G. (*) Luttrell's Diary. (*>) He is Jothran, in Absalom and Achitophel, part ii: — "'Mongst whom was Jothran, Jothran always bent To serve the crown and loyal by descent, Whose constancy so firm and conduct just Deserved at once two royal masters' trust." V.G. (•=) His father had purchased the manor of Lewisham, Kent, 1673. ('^) See a list of these, sub William, Duke of Devonshire [1707]. Lord Dartmouth was, however, speedily displaced by the new King, who, on 24 Sep. 17 14, made the Marquess of Wharton Privy Seal in his room. if) Macky's character of him when "turned of 34 years old" (1706), with Dean Swift's commentary on Macky in italics is as follows. "He sets up for a critick in conversation, makes jests and loves to laugh at them; takes a great deal of pains in his office and is in a fair way of rising at Court; is a short thick man of a fair complexion. This is fair enough writ, but he has little sincerity." G.E.C. Prince Eugene describes Dartmouth, in 17 12, as "very pliable, a great stickler for the Tory party, but not much bred to business, of a tolerable sense, and easily led." Swift calls him " a man of letters, full of good sense, good nature and honour, of strict virtue and regularity in his life." V.G.