Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/153

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DE LA BECHE 135 Bradfield, Berks, Chiddingly, Sussex, i;?c., sometime Constable ot' the Tower of London, was sum. to a Council, 25 Feb. (134 1/2) 16 F.dw. Ill, by writ directed Aic/io/ao de la Bechc. This Council has been incorrectly described as a Pari, by Dugdale and others.(») He was appointed Seneschal of Gascony, 20 July I343,() and d. s.p.^ 3 Feb. 1 344/5, (') in parts beyond seas. DE LA MARE see MARE DELAMER OF DUNHAM MASSEY BARONY. I. George Booth, 2nd but ist surv.() s. and h. ot y ^. William B., by Vere, 2nd da. and coh. of Sir Thomas Egerton (the ist s. and h. ap. of the celebrated Lord Chancellor), which William was s. and h. ap. of Sir George Booth, of Dunham Massey, co. Chester, ist Bart. [161 1], by his 2nd wife, Katherine, da. of Edmund Anderson, but J. I'.p., 26 Apr. 1636. He was I?. 18 Dec. 1622; Military Commissioner for Cheshire under Cromwell; M.P. for Cheshire 1645/60-48, 1654-55, 1656-58, and 1660, and for co. Lan- caster 1659. Custos Rot. of CO. Chester. On 24 Oct. 1652, he sue. his grandfather in the Baronetcy. Having been a Parliamentarian of the Presby- terian Section, he was appointed, 2 2 July 1659, by Charles II, who was then at Brussels, Commander in Chief for the King of all forces in Cheshire, Lancashire, and North Wales, and was in consequence imprisoned in the Tower by the Parliamentarians. He was one of the 12 members chosen by the House, in May 1660, to recall the King, and was, by it, voted ^" 10,000 "for his eminent services and great sufferings in the public cause." He was, 20 Apr. 1661, cr. BARON DELAMER OF DUNHAM MASSEY, CO. Chester.Q He m., istly, 30 Nov. 1639, at St. Mary's, Colechurch (lie. Lond. 13 Nov.), Katherine, ist da. of Theophilus (Clinton), 4th Earl of LiN'coLN, by his ist wife, Bridget, da. of William (Fiennes), Viscount Say AND Sele. She d. in childbed, s.p.m., and was bur. at Bowdon, co. Chester, 5 Aug. 1643. He m., 2ndly (lie. Lond. 14 Dec. 1644, to m. at St. Mary Magd., Fish Str., he 26 [sic], widower, and she 22), Elizabeth, ist da. of (>) See Preface. (b) Gascon Roll, 17 Edw. Ill, m. 12. (') Thursday the Feast of St. Blaise, otherwise described as the morrow of the Purification, 19 Edw. III. (Ch. Inq.p. m., Edw. Ill, file 76, no. 25: Exch. In-j. p. m., Enrolments, no. 53). (<*) His elder br., Thomas Booth, bap. 1620, d. v.p. 1632. V.G. (') Not May 1645 as in Diet. Nat. Biog. He came into the Long Pari, as a " recruiter " when no Royalists were elected. Clarendon writes that in Cheshire he was " from memory of his grandfather of absolute power with the Presbyterians." V.G. (') See an account of the ceremonies attending this creation, vol. iii, p. 264, note "d," sub Clarendon.