Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/159

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DE LA WARR 141 LA WARRE.(*) As Rogerus la PFarre dominus dehefdd' he took part in the Barons' Letter to the Pope, 12 Feb. 1 300/1. He was appointed an envoy to the Court of Rome in July 1304, but the embassy was delayed until July 1305, owing to the death of Benedict XLC') He w., in or before Sep. 1276, (') Clarice, elder da. and coh. of Sir John Tregoz, of Ewyas Harold, CO. Hereford, Allington, Wilts, Albrighton, Salop, Great Dodding- ton, Northants, ^c. [Lord Tregoz], by his ist wife, Mabel, da. of Sir Fulk FiTZ Warin, of Whittington, Salop. She was living in Apr. 1289, ('^) and d. v.p., that is, before 28 Aug. 1300. He d. 20 June I320.(") n. 1307. I bis. John (la Warre), Lord la Warre, s. and h. He did homage for his purparty of the lands of his grandfather. Sir John Tregoz, 26 Nov. 1300,0 being then aged 23 or 24. Partition of these lands was made 21 Dec. following, when he was assigned the castle and manor of Ewyas Harold, the manors of Allington, Albrighton, lyc.(') He claimed, however, all the knights' fees and advowsons pertaining to the castle of Ewyas ; but the Council in Chancery ordered them to be"divided.(') He then petitioned the King in Pari, in the summer of 1302, when award was again made that these knights' fees should be divided, and they were partitioned, 29 Oct. 1302; but he refused to sue out a writ for his purparty until 20 Jan. 1305/6.0 He was As to the writ of 1294 see Preface, and as to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage dignity, see Appendix A in the last volume. C) Patent Rolls, 32 Edw. I, m. 1 4; 33 Edw. I, p. 2, mm. 19, 17: Close Roll, 33 Edw. I, mm. 12 d, lo d. ("=) By two fines, levied, one on the morrow of the Purification, the other in the quinzaine of St. Michael, 2 Edw. I, John s. of Jordan la Ware conveyed the manors of Wickwar and Brislington to himself for life: rem., as to VVickwar, to Roger la Ware in tail general, rem. to his own next heirs: rem., as to Brislington, to Roger la Ware in fee. {Feet of Fines, case 75, file 30, no. lO; case 197, file 11, no. 8). The same John, by deed dated Thursday before St. Michael 4 Edw. I [24 Sep. 1276], granted to Clarice, wife of his son Roger, that, if she survived Roger, she might hold the manor of Brislington (assigned to her in dower), free for life from a certain rent. [Ancient Deeds, C, no. 2666). ^ Cf. Close Roll, 4 Edw. I, m. 4 d (21 Sep.). O Feet of Fines, case 235, file 34, no. 2. (^) " Rogerus la Ware." Writ of diem ct. ext. 25 June i 3 Edw. II. Inq., cos. Sussex, Somerset, Gloucester, 31 Aug., 30 Sep., 7 Oct. 1320. "Johannes la Ware filius predict! Rogeri est ejus heres propinquior et etatis quadraginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 65, no. 14). The escheator returned that of the issues of the manors of Brislington, Wickwar, Isfield, and Milton, " que fuerunt Rogeri la Ware ... a xx die Junii anno xiij° quo die idem Rogerus obiit usque xnij [xiij — Pipe Roll] diem Octobris proximo sequentem non respondet quia eodem xiuj die Octobris Rex . . . mandavit prefato Escaetori quod de maneriis illis se ulternis non intromittat." (Accounts of the Escheator South of Trent — Chcincllors Roll, 13 Edw. II, and Pipe Roll, 15 Edw. II). Roger had held these manors for life, by virtue of divers fines, isc. The writ of 14 Oct. is not enrolled. (') Fine Roll, 29 Edw. I, m. 17: Close Rolls, 29 Edw. I, m. 16 d; 30 Edw. I, m. 3 schedule; 34 Edw. I, m. 19. A note in Pari. Jl'rits, vol. i, p. 894, states that