Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/162

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144 DE LA WARR III. 1347. 3- Roger (la Warre), Lord la Warre, grandson and h., being s. and h. of John la Warre, by Margaret (who d. 20 or 22 Aug. I349),(^) da. of Sir Robert de Holand, of West Derby, co. Lancaster, Yoxall, co. Stafford, ^c. [Lord Holand], which John was s. and h. ap. of the last Lord, but d. v.p., shortly before 24 June I33i.() He was b. 30 Nov. 1326. He was in the retinue of the Prince of Wales at the battle of Crecy and at the siege of Calais. () On 7 Nov. 1349 the King took his homage, and he had livery of divers manors which his mother had held for lifeiC*) he was then a knight. On 22 Apr. 1353 the King took his homage and fealty, and he had livery of the manor of Wakerley and obtained also the manor of Swineshead, both of which his Tuesday before St. George [16 Apr.] 1353. "Item dicunt quod predicta Johanna obiit die Mercurii proximo ante festum Pasche videlicet xx die Marcii ultimo preterite [obiit xxj°° die Marcii anno supradicto — co. Lincoln'] Et quod Rogerus la Warre filius Johannis la Warre filii predicti Johannis la Warre quondam viri predicte Johanne est heres eorundem Joliannis et Johanne propinquior Et est etatis xxv [xxvj — co. Lincoln'] annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 123, no. 10: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 12, no. 12). (») "Margareta que fuit uxor Johannis la Warre." Writs of diem cl. ext. 10 Sep. 23 Edw. in England and 10 in France. Inq., cos. Sussex, Somerset, Gloucester, 22 Sep., 8 Oct., and Sunday 11 Oct. 1349. " Et ipsa obiit die Jovis [20 Aug.] proximo post festum Assumpcionis beate Marie ultimo preteritum [obiit xxij" die Augusti anno supradicto — co. Sus$ex] Et dicunt quod Rogerus la Warre miles est filius et heres predicte Margarete propinquior et filius et heres predicti Johannis la Warre de corpore ipsius Margarete procreatus Et fuit etatis xxij annorum ad festum sancti Andree Apostoli ultimo preteritum." Inq., Berks, 31 Oct. 1349. Date of death, 22 Aug.: heir, aged 22 and more, as before. Inq., Wilts, 18 Sep. 1349. Date of death, 20 Aug.: heir, of full age, as before. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 99, no. 3: Exch. Inq. p. m., Enrolments, nos. 69, 73, 78). C") "Johannes filius Johannis la Ware." Writ of diem cl. ext. 24 June. {Fine Roll, 5 Edw. 111,7/;. 13). (<^) Dugdale and others state that his grandfather was the Lord la Warre men- tioned by Froissart as being at the battle of Crecy, but this is an error. On 16 May 1353 the lands late of John la Warre deceased were exonerated from assessment, as the said John had found Roger la Warre kt. and John la Warre kt. br. of Roger, now tenants of the said lands, who had served continuously in the retinue of the Prince of Wales from the King's arrival at La Hogue till his return to England. {Memoranda Roll, K.R., 27 Edw. III). This John, br. of Roger, inherited lands in Bock- hampton and Eastbury, Berks {Close Roll, 23 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 10), and d. s.p., 23 Oct. 1358, in parts beyond seas (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 149, no. 13). {^) Fine Roll, 23 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 18. His fealty — for the manor of Allington — was taken by the Chancellor, the Bishop of St. Davids. (Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 343, no. 20761). By a fine, levied in the quinzaine of Easter 5 Edw. Ill, John s. of Roger la Warre conveyed the manors of Allington, Wickwar, and Brislington, to him- self for life: rem. to John his s., and Margaret wife of the same John s. of John s. of Roger, and the heirs of their bodies: rem. to his own right heirs. {Feet of Fines, case 286, file 36, no. 82). Writ — for the manor of Allington — 4 Nov. 4 Edw. Ill, Inq. a. q. d. 2 Jan. 1330/1 (file 2o8, no. 26), licence 20 Jan. 1330/1 {Patent Roll, 4 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 5).