Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/165

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DE LA WARR 147 (1368) 42 Edw. Ill, pr. at Stow Park, co. Lincoln, 5 Oct. 1370. (") His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 26 Nov. I370.() She m., 2ndly, before 12 Feb. 1372/3, Sir Lewis de Clifford. (°) She i/. before 18 June 1387. He d. in 1404. Will dat. 17 Sep. 1404, pr. 5 Dec. 1404-0 IV. 1370. 4. John (la'Warre), Lord la Warre, s. and h., by 1st wife, aged 25 and more at his father's death. He was in Gascony with the Prince of Wales in Feb. 1368/9: he was then a knight. (*) Souls (2) [2 Nov.], Wednesday after All Saints (2) [6 Nov.], 13, 15 Nov. 1370. " Et dicunt quod predictus Rogerus obiit xxvij" die August! ultimo preterito [obiit in Vascon' die Martis proximo post festum sancti Bartholomei anno regni domini Regis nunc xliiij" — cos. Lincoln, Leicester, Rut/and, Northants^ Et dicunt quod Johannes la Warre chivaler filius predict! Rogeri est heres ejus propinquior et etatis xxv annorum et amplius [xxv annorum — co. Leicester^" The name is written de la Ware in the Inq. CO. Salop, le IVarre or la JVarre in the others. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 217, no. 68: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 32, no. 6, and Enrolments, nos. 154, 156). {') Lambeth Reg., Whittlesey, f. Ii6v: Lincoln Reg., vol. xii, fF. 97V-98. "Rogerus la Warre miles . . . corpus meum ad sepeliendum in monasterio Abbathie de Swyneshevid' inter antecessores meos." He mentions " Johanni la Warre filio meo primogenito," " Katerine filie mee," and "Thome Edwardo et Johanni minori filiis meis." C") Writs de dote assignanda 26 Nov. Four writs de non intromittendo, of the same date, liberated to her the manors and advowsons of which she had been jointly enfeoffed with Roger la Warre kt., formerly her husband. [Close Roll, 44 Edw. Ill, m. 6). (') Licence for John la Ware to grant to Lewis de ClifiFord chr. and Alianore his wife, in survivorship, the castle and manor of Ewyas Harold with the knights' fees and appurtenances in cos. Hereford, Somerset, Wilts, and Surrey — the manor of Ailing- ton excepted — and the reversion of the manor of Albrighton: 12 Feb. 1372/3. (Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 431, no. 29545: Patent Roll, 47 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 34). By two fines, levied in the quinzaine of St. Hilary 47 Edw. Ill [47/48 Edw. Ill], Lewis Clifford kt. and Alianore his wife sold to John la Warre kt. quicquid habuerunt in dotem ipsius Alianore in one-third of the manors of Portslade, Folkington, Fletching, Wakerley, Brislington, and AUington, and in one-third of a messuage, i^c, in Bockhampton, for 300 marks: also the manor of Bloxholm, and 12 messuages, ^c, in Birstall, for 200 marks. {Feet of Fines, czse 288, file 50, nos. 754, 755). On 18 June 1387, Alianore being dead, John had licence to release all his right in the castle and manor of Ewyas Harold to Lewis and his heirs. On 28 Apr. 1407 the feofFues of the feoffees of Lewis had licence to enfeoff William de Beauchamp of Abergavenny and Joan his wife of the said castle and manor, for life, with rem. to divers persons. {Patent Rolls, 10 Ric. 11,/). 2, m. 4; 16 Ric. II, p. 2, m. 2; I Hen. IV, p. 5, m. 4, p. 6, ;/;. 42; 8 Hen. IV, />. 2, m. 19). (<*) P.C.C., 7 Marche, f. 56 v. In this will, written in a strain of abject humility, he states that he is "fals and traytour to my lord God and to alle ye blessyd compaiiye of hevene and onworthi to be clepid a cristen man," and directs "my wretchid careyne to be buryed in ye ferthest corner of ye Chirche yeerd in which parishe my wretchid soule depart fro my body." He was a Lollard, and it is not clear whether he was here canting, or recanting. (') Gascon Roll, 43 Edw. Ill, m. 12.