Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/202

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i84 DENBIGH Ch. of SS. Thomas Aquinas and Stephen, at Market Drayton, Imelda, yr. of the 2 daughters of Francis Egerton Harding, of Old Springs, Market Drayton, by his ist wife, Frances Pauline, 2nd da. of Charles Sebastian SOMERS, C.M.G.] Family Estates. — These in 1883 consisted of 370 acres in co. Leicester and 2,848 in co. Flint. Total, 3,218 acres worth ;^6,340 a year. Principal Residence. — Newnham Paddox, near Lutterworth, co. Leicester. DENGAINE see ENGAINE DENHAM see DINHAM DENMAN OF DOVEDALE BARONY. I. Thomas Denman, only s. of Thomas Denman, I. 1834- M.D., one of the Court Physicians, by Elizabeth, da. of Alexander Brodie, of St. James's, Westm., Army accoutrement maker, was b. 23 Feb. 1779, in Queen Str.,(^) Golden Sq.; was ed. at Eton, and at St. John's Coll. Cam- bridge, B.A. 1800, M.A. 1803; entered Line. Inn and became a pupil to Charles Butler and William TiddjC') and, after practising as a special pleader, was called to the Bar 9 May 1806, joining the Midland Circuit and Lincoln Sessions; M.P. (Whig) for Wareham 1818-20; for Nottingham 1820-26, and again 1 830-32. () On the accession of George IV, the Queen Consort (Caroline) appointed Brougham her Attorney Gen. and Denman her Solicitor Gen., who, as such, took a principal part in her trialjC') which brought him into public (^) This street has been re-named '■'■Denman Street" in his honour. C') See vol. ii, p. 513, note "a," sub Campbell. (<=) "Distinguishing himself by the boldness with which he attacked abuses and in particular by advocating the necessity of an amelioration of the criminal law." (Foss's Judges of England). He belonged to the more advanced section of the Whigs in the Commons. G.E.C. and V.G. {^) In this trial, Aug. 1820, "nearly the whole talent of the Bar was engaged, and of the 1 1 Counsel who appeared, six on one side and five on the other, no less than ten were afterwards elevated to high legal distinction." See Foss's Judges 0} England^ sub "Denman." "In so far as the Bar was concerned the contest was a battle of Giants, Sir Robert Gifford, Attorney Gen. [afterwards Lord Gifford and Chief Justice of the Common Pleas], Copley, the Sol. Gen. [afterwards Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Chancellor], with Dr. Adams, and Mr. Parke [afterwards Lord Wensleydale and one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer], appeared in support of the bill; Mr. Brougham, the Queen's Attorney Gen. [afterwards Lord Brougham and Lord Chancellor], Mr. Denman, the Queen's Sol. Gen. [afterwards Lord Denman and Ch. Justice of the King's Bench], Dr. Lushington [the Rt. Hon. Stephen Lushington, D.C.L., Judge of the High Court of Admiralty 1838-67; d. 19 Jan. 1873, in his 91st year], Mr. Williams [Sir John Williams, one of the Justices of the Court of King's Bench 1834-46], Mr. Tindal [the Rt. Hon. Sir Nicholas Conyngham