Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/209

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DERBY 191 of his honour was at Tutbury, then in the district of Burton-on-Trent, CO. Stafford. (*) Near Tutbury he founded a priory for Benedictine monks. C") He m. Bertha. He was bur. at Tutbury. EARLDOM. I. Robert de Ferrieres, 3rd s. of the above, suc- y n ceeded to the greater part of his father's possessions - ■ in England. (') He was one of the commanders at the battle of the Standard, in Aug. 1138, and was, for his services, cr. EARL OF DERBY by King Stephen, shortly afterwards. () He m. Hawise, da. of Andre, Seigneur de Vixai in Brittany, by Agnes, da. of Robert, Count of Mortain. He d. in 1 139.('") n. 1139. 2. Robert (de Ferrieres), Earl of Derby, or Earl of Ferrieres, s. and h.(*) During the reign of King (^) Ordericus (lib. iv, cap. 7) states that the King granted " Henrico Gualchelini de Ferrariis filio castrum Stutesburie, quod Hugo de Abrincis prius tenuerat." On the subject of Tutbury at the time of the Domesday Survey see Eyton, Stnffordihire Domesday, p. 49. (*•) " Ego Henricus de Ferrariis fundavi ecclesiam in honore sancte Dei gcne- tricis Marie apud castellum meum Tuttesbur' pro anima VV. Regis et Matiid' Regine et pro salute anime patris mei et matris mee et uxoris mee Berte et filiorum mcorum Engenulphi W. Robert! ac filiannn mearum . . ." [Cartulary of Tutbury, transcript in Addit. MSS., no. 6714, no. 51). if) " Ego Robertus Comes de Ferr' nutu divino succedens in hereditatem bone memorie videlicet Henrici patris mei concede . . . quecunque pater meus et mater mea donaveruntecclesie sancte Marie quam ipsi a fundamentis construxerunt apud castellum mcum Tuttesbur'." [Cartulary of Tutbury, no. 103). The lands in Normandy were (eventually) inherited by Henry de Ferrieres, his nephew (s. and h. of one of his brothers, Engenulf or William). Henry, who was living in 1136, held Oakham, co. Rutland, and Lechlade, co. Gloucester (a manor held by his grandfather Henry at the Domesday Survey). He was father of Walkelin, who was father of (i) Henry, Seigneur de Chambrais in 1202, (2) Hugh, of Lechlade, who d. s.p. in 1204, having m. Margaret, da. and h. of Hugh de Say of Richard's Castle, and (3) Isabel [d. before 31 May 1252), who m., istly, Roger de Mortemer of Wigmore [d. 24 June 12 14), and 2ndly, Piers fitz Herbert of Blaen Llyfni [d. i June 1235). Isabel inherited Lechlade, and also Oakham, which her eldest br., Henry, had lost at the time of the conquest of Normand'. Henry was the ancestor of the seigneurs of Ferri(!:res and Chambrais, the last of whom, Jean, d. in 1504. A custom quite recently existed that a peer of the realm, the first time he passed through Oakham, should give a horse-shoe to be nailed upon the castle-gate: a toll or privilege dating, no doubt, from the time of the ancient lords of that town, premiers barons fossiers of Normandy. if) " Unde eciam quia [Rex] audivit eos se viriliter in hoc negocio habuisse, Wil- lelmum de Albamarla in Eboracensi et Robertum de Ferrers in Derbiensi scyra comites fecit." (Ric. Haugustald., p. 165). Ordericus (lib. xiii, cap. 37), when noticing his creation as Earl of Derby, calls him Rodhertus de Stoteshuria. (*) R. Haugustald., p. 178. (^ (i) "Ego Robertus Comes junior de Ferrariis . . . Sciatis me concessisse huic ecclesie mee Tuttesbir' . . . quicquid avus meus Henricus sic Engenulfus patruus