Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/248

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BARONY [I VII. 230 DESART J. BiEDERMANN, a goldsmith of Vienna. He d. s.p.m., 15 Sep. 1898,011 his yacht off Falmouth, aged ^2- Admon. over ;^3,ooo gross, and over £2°° net. His widow, who was l>. 1 Sep. 1857, was living 191 6. EARLDOM AND 5, 7 and i. Hamilton John Agmon- VISCOUNTCY [I.] DESHAM (Cuffe), Earl of Desart [1793], •y Viscount Castle-Cuffe [1793], and Baron •898. Desart [1733], all in the Peerage of Ireland, and Baron Desart of Desart [U.K. 1909], br. and h., L 30 Aug. 1848, at Richmond; ed. at Radley, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge, B.A. 1869; sometime BARONY [U.K.] Midshipman, R.N. ; Barrister 1872; Sec. to T Judicature Com. 1877; Assist. Solicitor to the Treasury 1878; Solicitor to the Treasury, Queen's Proctor, and Director of Public Prosecutions, 1894-1909; C.B. (civil) 26 May 1894; K.C.B. (civil) 21 May 1898. He established his right to vote at elections of Rep. Peers [I.] 1900. On 12 May 1909 he was cr. BARON DESART OF DESART, CO. Kilkenny [U.K.].(^) P.C. 1 9 1 3. He w., 1 9 July 1 876, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Margaret Joan, 2nd da. of Henry Thynne (Lascelles), 4th Earl of Harewood, by his ist wife, Elizabeth Joanna, ist da. of Ulick John (de Burgh-Canning), ist Marquess of Clanricarde. She was I. 2 Oct. 1853, at Gouldsbrough Hall. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 8,000 acres in co. Kil- kenny and 932 in co. Tipperary. Total, 8,932 acres, worth £b,2'ji a year. Principal Residence. — Desart Court, co. Kilkenny. DE SAUMAREZ BARONY. I. James Saumarez, 3rd s. of Matthew S., of I. 1831. Guernsey, by his 2nd wife, Carteret, da. of James le Marchant, of that island, was b. there 11 Mar. 1757. He entered the navy at an early age, and the various battles in which he distinguished himself are a matter of history. Col. of Marines 1799-1801; Rear Adm. 1801; Vice Adm. 1806; Adm. of the Blue 1 8 14; of the White 18 19; Adm. of the Red 1830. Rear Adm. of U.K. 1 8 19-21, and Vice Adm. of the same 1821-32; Gen. of Marines 1832 till his death; Elder Brother of the Trin. House 1 834-36. He was knighted (as Capt. R.N.) 6 Nov. 1793; was second in command at the battle of the (*) On the recommendation of Mr. Asquith, on retiring from the office of Solicitor to the Treasury. He is classed as " Independent " in Dod^ but voted with the Unionists for the Referendum in 191 1 and against Home Rule and Welsh Dis- establishment in 1913; but was in the majority in the formal division on the Parlia- ment Bill of 191 1. V.G.