Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/267

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DESMOND 249 2'? July to 3 Aug. 1497, but made his peace the same year. H Ellen, da. of Maurice (Roche), Lord Roche of Fermoy [1.]. ..., 2ndly, Honor, da. of John FitzGibbon, the White Knight. He d. 1520, and was bur. at the Friars Preachers at Tralee. e ;«., istly. He X. 1520. 10. James FitzMaurice (FitzGerald), Earl of Desmond [I.], only surv. s. and h. He corresponded treasonably with Francis I of France in 1522, and with the Emperor Charles V,(") was proclaimed a rebel and traitor, and a bill for his attainder was drawn up, the Act to take effect from 10 Nov. (1522) 14 Hen. VIII. C") He m. Amy, da. of Turlogh Mac-1-Brien-Ara, Bishop of Killaloe. He d. s.p.nt., at Dingle (or Rathkeale), 18 June 1529, and was bur. (with his father) at Tralee.('=) His widow w/., as 2nd wife, Edmond (FitzMaurice), Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw. She d. before 1537. XI. 1529. II. Thomas FitzThomas (FitzGerald), Earl of Desmond [I.], called Maol {i.e. "the bald") and also the Victorious, uncle and h. male, being 3rd s. of the 7th Earl. He was b. 1454. In 1530 he confirmed the district called "the Decies " to his kinsman. () He ;«., istly, Shela (or Gille), da. of Cormac Laidir McTeige MacCarthy, Lord of Muskerry, by Mary, da. of Edmond (Fitz- Maurice), Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw. She was living I505.() He w., 2ndly, Catherine, da. of John FitzGerald, of Dromana, Lord of the Decies, by Ellen, da. of John FitzGibbon, the White Knight, which John FitzGerald was s. and h. of Gerald Mor., the 2nd s. of James, 6th Earl of Desmond abovenamed. He d. at Rathkeale, 1534, aged about 80, and was bur. at Youghal. His widow, the celebrated Old Countess of Desmond, sur- (*) On 20 June 1523 he made a convention at his Castle Esquetin with Francis I of France for war on England. {Letters and Papers, Henry Fill, vol. iii, part 2, pp. 1306-07). A good deal can be read about the Earl in the same series, vol. iv, part 3. On pp. 2429-30 there is a report on him from Cork by Gonzalo Fernan- dez to Charles V, which states " He is 34 years old, of middle height, very well spoken; he is cool and confident in batde. He walks lame, having a gunshot wound in one leg. He keeps better justice in his land than any lord in Ireland, especially as to theft and murder." V.G. C') As there was no Irish Pari, between 1522 and his death the bill never be- came an Act. (*=) He left an only da. and h., Joan; see suh 14th Earl. V.G. C) On 5 May 1532 he writes to Henry VIII of having received livery of his Earldom, and excuses himself for not sending his grandson and heir to England at present. V.G. (") A lease of Corbynne, co. Cork, was granted by Gerald FitzThomas, Earl of Kildare, to "Gilis ny Cormyk, wife to Sir Thomas of Desmond," dat. 9 June (1505) 20 Hen. VII. {Kildare Rental). V.G. 32