Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/283

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s.t^^ DESPENSER 265 were annulled and cancelled in the Pari, of York;,(') the lands of the elder Hugh being formally restored, 7 IVIay 1322. (^) Three days later, 10 May, the King granted him ^^20 a year from the issues of co. Hants, to be received nomine et honore comitis fVyntonie, and girded him with the sword as EARL OF WINCHESTER.C) He accompanied the King in his ex- pedition against the Scots in Aug. I322.('=) He was appointed Keeper of the forests South of Trent, 27 June 1324, for life.() Was appointed a commissioner to make peace with the Scots, 8 Nov. I324.('^) He was sum. for Military Service from 20 Sep. (1322) 16 Edw. II to i May (1325) 18 Edw. II, to Councils from 20 Nov. (1323) 17 Edw. II to 20 Feb. (1324/5) 18 Edw. II, and to Pari, from 18 Sep. (1322) 16 Edw. II to 10 Oct. (1325) 19 Edw. II, by writs directed Hugoni le Despenser Comiti fVynton. He m., in or before 1286, without the King's lie. (fine of 2,000 marks, afterwards remitted),() Isabel, widow of Sir Patric de Chaurces or Chaworces, of Kidwelly, co. Carmarthen, Somborne, Hants, ^c. (who d. shortly before 7 July 1283), (') and da. of William (de Beauchamp), Earl of Warwick, by Maud, sister and coh. of Sir Richard fitz John, of Share, Surrey, Fambridge, Essex, i^c. [Lord FitzJohn], and ist da. of Sir John fitz Geoffrey, of Shere and Fambridge. She d. shortly before 30 May i3o6.(^) On the King's flight to Wales in Oct. 1326 the Earl Hugh is not mentioned in the record of the proceedings [Patent Roll, 15 Edw. II, p. 2, m. 14), which names seven earls as present, and adds "baronibus et aliis magna- tibus regni." (*) Close Roll, 15 Edw. II, mm. 13 d schedule, 12. C") The King gave him at the same time many manors late of John Giffnrd, Bartholomew de Badlesmere, and other rebels, to be held, together with the ^^20 a year, for life, with rem. to Hugh the younger and his heirs. On 9 July 1322 the King granted him the castle, vill, manor, and honour of Denbigh, the cantreds of Rhos and Rhyfiniog, and the commote of Dinmael — recently held by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster — to him and his heirs. The said castle and lands were given to Roger de Mortimer, 13 Sep. 1327, and, on his forfeiture, to William de Mountagu, 18 Jan. 1 330/ 1. [Charter Rolls, 15 Edw. II, ra. 4; 16 Edw. II, ni. J; 1 Edw. Ill, m. lO; 4 Edw. Ill, m. i). By three fines, levied in the quinzaine of Easter 5 Edw. Ill, Ebles Lestraunge and Alice his wife, William la Zousche of Ashby and Alianore his wife, and Hugh s. of Hugh le Despenser the younger, relinquished their rights in the premises to William de Mountagu, for ;f 200, ^1,000, and ^^ 1, 000, respectively. [Feet of Fines, case 194, file 11, nos. 44, 45, 47; cf. no. 43). (') "In comitiva domini Regis," with 98 men-at-arms, of whom 4 were bannerets and 21 knights, from 10 Aug. to 10 Sep. Being paid, for himself and his men, [himself, as an earl, Ss.], each banneret 4;., each knight 2s., and each other man-at-arms I2d., a day. Total, 32 days, ;r222 8;. (Waltham, /Accounts — as on p. 46 of this volume — f. 61 v). (<*) Fine Roll, 17 Edw. II, m. 2: Patent Roll, 18 Edw. II, p. I, m. 11. (') Close Rolls, 15 Edw. I, m. 2; 1 9 Edw. I, m. 9. (^ Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Patric de Chaurces), Edw. I, file 35, no. 4. (s) "Isabella que fuit uxor Hugonis le Despenser." Writ of diem cl. ext. 30 May 34 Edw. I. Inq., Hants, 26 June 1 306. "Matild' nunc uxor Henrici de Langastr' est filia et heres propinquior dicte Isabelle et etatis xxiv annorum." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file I2I, no. 1 1). 34