Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/310

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292 DESPENSER 20 Apr. 1478. (») Will dat. 30 Aug. 1477, pr. at Lambeth, 28 May 4. Sir Henry Wentworthe, of Nettlestead, &'c., grandson and h., being s. and h. of Sir Philip Wentworthe, by Mary, da. of John (de Clifford), Lord Clifford, which Philip was s. and h. ap. of Margery, Lady Roos, above named, but d'. v.m., 18 May 1464, being beheaded at Middleham, co. York, after the battle of Hexham, where he had been taken prisoner by the Yorkists.(') On his petition, he was restored in blood in Pari. (1464) 4 Edw. IV.C) Was knighted by the King, 1 8 Jan. 1477/8. He was aged 30 and more at the death of his said grandmother in 1478, and had livery of her lands, 9 Oct. 1478, his homage being respited, and his fealty ordered to be taken by the escheator in co. Suffolk.(°) Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 1481-82. Sheriff of co. York, 1489-90 and May to Nov. 1492. He m., istly, Anne, ist da. of Sir John SaYjO of Sawbridgeworth, Little Berkhampstead, and Broxbourne, Herts, 6f c, by his i st wife, Elizabeth, da. of Laurence Cheyne, of Ditton, co. Cambridge. He m., 2ndly (lie. from the Archbishop of York, 22 Oct. 1494, to marry in the chapel within (') " Margeria nuper domina Roos nuper uxor Rogeri Wentworth' defuncti." Writs of diem cl. ext. 24 Apr. 18 Edw. IV. Inq., cos. Lincoln, Essex, Suffolk, Kent, York, and city of London, Monday 15 June, 16, 22 June, 10, 31 July, and 3 Sep. 1478. "Et quod predicta Margeria obiit vicesimo die mensis Aprilis ultimo preterito Et . . . quod Henricus Wentworth' miles est consanguineus et heres ejus propinquior videlicet filius Philippi Wentworth' militis filii ejusdem Margerie Et est etatis triginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. ot., Edw. IV, file 66, no. 35: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 236, no. 4). {^) P.C.C., 33 Wattys, f. 258 r and v. "Margeria domina de Roos . . . cor- pusque meum sepeliendum in capella sancta beatorum Margarete et Bernardi Cantebr' in choro ex parte boriali sub fenestra mea sanctorum predictorum. . . . Ac eciam pre- dictus heres meus [Henricus Wentworth'] causabit ex sumptibus suis propriis corpus patris mei [/. sui] domini Philippi Wentworth' militis transferri ad ecclesiam de Newsom' in comitatu Lincoln' et unum lapidem marmoreum poni super corpus ejus et eciam causabit unum lapidem marmoreum poni super corpus matris sue in ecclesia ordinis sancti Francisci Gibwic'." {'^) Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles, pp. 79, 179. Philip was Knight of the Shire for Suffolk, 1446/7, 1448/9, 1452/3, and 1459; Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 1447-48 and 1459-60. Usher of the King's Chamber, 1446/7; King's Sergeant and Esquire of the Body, 1449; ^^^ appointed Constable of Llanstephan Castle, 28 May 1450, also Chief Steward of the honour of Clare, and Constable of Clare Castle, 20 Dec. 1459; King's Carver, 1459-60 [Patent Rolls, 25 Hen. VI, />. 2, m. 37; 27 Hen. VI, p. 3, m. 3; 28 Hen. VI, />. 2, m. 19; 38 Hen. VI, />. i, m. 14,/-. 2,m. 9). A prejudiced writer [Paston Letters, no. 243) says that Philip bore the King's standard at the first battle of St. Alban's, but "kest hit down and fled. Myn Lord NorfFolk seyth he shal be hanged therfore, and so is he worthy." {^) Pari. Rolls, vol. v, p. 548. His father had been attainted of high treason in (146 1) I Edw. IV. [Idem, p. 480). («) Fine Roll, 18 Edw. IV, m. 2. (') Patent Roll, I Ric. Ill, />. 2, m. 15.