Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/32

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i6 DACRE where he chiefly resided. () Ed. at Harrow, being still there 29 Mar. 1732. Admitted Lincoln's Inn 21 Feb. 1733/4; F.S.A. 12 May 1745. Having 5«c. his mother in the Peerage, he took his seat in the House, 13 Nov. I755.() He ;«., 15 May 1739, at St. Geo. Chapel, Hyde Park, Anna Maria, sister of Charles, ist Earl Camden, da. of Sir John Pratt, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, by his 2nd wife, Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. Hugh Wilson, Canon of Bangor. He d. s.p.s. legit. ,(f) 6 Jan. 1786, aged 69, at his town house, 22 Bruton Str., and was bur. at Aveley.('^) Will dat. Feb. 1784, pr. Feb. 1786. His widow d. 11 Aug. 1806, at Beckenham, Kent, and was bur. at Aveley. Will pr. 1 806. XVIIL 1786. 18. Trevor Charles (Roper), Lord Dacre, nephew and h., being s. and h. of the Hon. Charles Roper, by Gertrude, sister and coh. of John Trevor, of Glynde, Sussex, and 7th da. of John Morley-Trevor, which Charles was 2nd s. of Anne, suo jure Baroness Dacre abovenamed, being her ist s. by her 2nd husband, Lord Teynham, and d. v.m., 4 Feb. 1754. He was b. 14 June, and bap. i July 1745, at East Barnet, Herts. He m., 2 Mar. 1773, at Lambeth Palace Chapel, Mary, only da. and h. of Sir Thomas Fludyer, of Lee, Kent, by Mary, da. of Sir George Champion, Alderman of London. He d. s.p., 4 July 1794, at Lee, and was bur. there, aged 49. Will pr. July 1794. She, who was b. June 1755, d. at Lee 11 Sep. iSoSjC') and was bur. there. M.L Will pr. 1808. XIX. 1 794. 1 9. Gertrude, suo jure Baroness Dacre, sister and h., b. 25 Aug. 1750, at Southgate, Midx. She m., 20 Apr. 1 77 1, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Thomas Brand, of the Hoo, Herts, who d. (*) He largely remodelled Belhus, the old Tudor mansion, built before 1527, converting it " into a sort of ' Strawberry Hill ' Gothic castle," his friends, Horace Walpole and Sanderson Miller, assisting him, whilst he employed " Capability " Brown to carry out similar improvements, so called, in the grounds. V.G. C") Though nominally a Whig, and joining in the protest of the Whig peers against the proceedings relating to Wilkes in 1763, he took little part in politics, but voted against Fox's India Bill. V.G. C^) His only legit, child, Anne Barbara, b. 1740, d. 14 Mar. 1749, of fever. Lord Dacre had a son Thomas, h. Jan. 1762, and a da. Barbara, h. July 1766, by a woman named FitzThomas. The children assumed the names of Barrett-Lennard by Royal Licence under the terms of their father's will. By this will Thomas, sub- ject to Lady Dacre's life interest, sue. to his father's estates in Essex, Norfolk, and Ireland. These children were brought up at Belhus by Lady Dacre as if they had been her own. In 1798, during the Napoleonic scare, Thomas raised and commanded a troop of yeomanry, for which services he was in 1801 cr. a Baronet. V.G. if) " He was very like Charles I in the face. A very elegant scholar, and the best company in the world, when in good health and spirits, but he was peevish at times, from bad health; he was a remarkably good Herald and antiquary." He was a martyr to rheumatic gout, being entirely crippled by it for many years before his death. He had literary tastes, and was, according to Gent. Mag., " a zealous friend of liberty and the Protestant religion." Horace Walpole refers to him as "a worthy conscientious man, unpractised in speaking." [George II, vol. ii, p. 175). V.G. (^) She is said to have paid a visit daily to her husband's tomb, during the 14 years for which she survived him.