Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/326

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3o8 DE VESCI House Terrace, Midx., and was bur. at Abbey Leix. Will pr. in the Kilkenny district, 19 Feb. 1876, under ;{,"2 5,000. His widow, who was b. 23 Aug. 1819, (i. 10 Oct. 1884, at Muntham Court, Worthing, Sussex, aged 65. IV. 1875. 4- John Robert William (Vesey), Viscount de Vesci of Abbey Leix [I. 1776], Baron Knapton BARONY [U.K.] [I. 1750], and a Bart. [I. 1698], ist s. and h., b. J „„ 21 May 1844, in St. James's Place, Midx. Lieut. +• Coldstream Guards 1863; Capt. 1866; Adjutant 1871; Lieut. Col. 1876; retired 1883; established his right to vote at elections of Rep. Peers [L] 23 Feb. 1876. Lord Lieut, of Queen's Co. 1883-1900. On 8 Nov. 1884 he, being a Liberal,Q was cr. BARON DE VESCI OF ABBEY LEIX, in Queen's County [U.K.]. He w., 4 June 1872, at St. James's, Westm., Evelyn, istda. of Francis (Wemyss- Charteris-Douglas), Earl of Wemyss [S.], by Anne Frederica, da. of Thomas William (Anson), ist Earl of Lichfield. He d. s.p.m.,Q') 6 July 1903, of paralysis, at Abbey Leix, aged 59, when the Barony [U.K.] became (?a;//«<:/, but the Irish Barony devolved on his nephew,(') who, having sue. after 22 Jan. 1901, is outside the scope of this work. Will pr. Dec. 1903, gross ;^44,ooo, net nil. His widow, who was ^.27 Aug. 1849, at 64 Queen Str., Edinburgh, was living 191 6. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 15,069 acres in Queen's Co., 818 in CO. Cork, 420 in co. Dublin (this last being worth ;^ 31,713(1) a year), and 375 in Kent. Total, 16,682 acres, worth (including the ;^3i,7i3)

^45,2i4 a year.C) Principal Residence. — Abbeyleix House, Queen's Co.

D E V O N (■=) Baldwin fitz Gilbert, Seigneur deMeules and du Sap in Normandy, Lord of Okehampton, Devon, s. of Gilbert, called Crispin, Count of Brionne in Normandy, which Gilbert was s. of Godfrey, Count of Brionne and Eu, an illegitimate s. of Richard I, Duke of the (*) Two years later, when Gladstone gave way to the demand for Home Rule, he remained a Unionist. He was one of the numerous peers who have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. V.G. C") His only child, Mary Gertrude, b. 10 Apr. 1889, w., 20 Oct. 1910, the Hon. Aubrey N. H. M. Herbert. (') Ivo Richard Vesey, ^.15 Dec. 188 1. He served in the great War, 191 4 — , as Capt. Irish Guards. His two brothers also served, (i) Osbert Eustace Vesey, Capt. Westminster Dragoons (Yeomanry); (2) Thomas Eustace Vesey, Capt. Irish Guards, wounded Nov. 1914. For a list of peers and sons of peers who served in this war, see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G. (^) The Dublin estate is held jointly with the Earl of Longford, and on it part of the township of Kingstown has been built. V.G. (') This article, down to the year 1293, "^ ^7 G. W. Watson. V.G.