Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/337

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DEVON 319 He m., in 1226,0 Amice, 1st da. of Gilbert (de Clare), Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, by Isabel, sister and in her issue coh. of Walter, Earl of Pembroke, and 2nd da. of William (le Mareschal), Earl of Pembroke. He ^. 15 Feb. i244/5,() aged about 28, and was bur. in Breamore Priory, Hants. His widow's dower was assigned 22 Apr. 1245. (=) On 10 Jan. 1247/8 the King gave his assent to the marriage of Amice to Robert de Gynes (yr. s. of Arnoul II, Count of GuiNEs),^ if she consented thereto.(') She, who founded the Abbey of Buckland, Devon,(') was b. 27 May i22o,(«) and d. shortly before 21 Jan. 1283/4,0 aged 63- VII. 1245. 7. Baldwin de Reviers, Earl of Devon, Lord of THE Isle of Wight, s. and h., b. i Jan. 1235/6.0 His marriage was granted, 21 Aug. 1252, to Pierre de Savoie, with the intention that he should marry such a one of the Queen's cousins as Pierre should (») Annales de Thiokesbtria, p. 68. On 29 Oct. I 226 the Earl of Gloucester m.ide a fine of 2,000 marks "pro maritanda primogenita filia sua Baldewino filio Baldewini de Riveres filii Willelmi de Riveres Comitis Devon'," and for having the custody of 200 librates of land of the lands formerly of the said Earl William till the said Baldwin reached his age. {Paletit Roll, I I Hen. Ill, m. 13 ; Fine Roll, m. 12). (•>) "McxLV. In crastino sancti Valentini." (M. Paris, vol. iv, p. 406). Writs to the sheriffs to take the lands late of Baldwin de Insula, formerly Earl of Devon, into the King's hand, dated 15 Feb. {Fine Roll, 29 Hen. III,';;i. 13). Eight extents, Devon (4), Surrey, Hants, Somerset, Dorset, 29 Hen. III. (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. Ill, file 3, no. 10). " 15 Feb. Rainaldus [s;V] Comes Insule." {Obituary of Lyre). {^) Close Roll, 29 Hen. Ill, m. 11. {^) Robert de Gynes sold to Fulk Basset, Bishop of London, the manors of Tolleshunt and Holland, Essex, which he had of the gift of Baudouin, Count of Guines, his br., and in Nov. 1248, styling himself />fl/r««j of Arnoul [III], Count of Guines, he sold the manor of Gayton, Northants, to Enguerrand de Ficnnes. {Inspeximus on Charter Roll, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 4). He is mentioned in the will of his br., Baudouin, dated 1244 le deluns apres le Tiphanie [9 Jan. 1244/5]. (D" Chesne, Alaison di Guines, preuves, p. 283). (') Patent Roll, 32 Hen. Ill, m. 1 1. There is no evidence that he ever married her, and she was certainly unmarried in Apr. 1249. {Idem, 33 Hen. Ill, m. 6). (*) "... Nos Amicia Comitissa Devon' et Domina Insule . . . abbatiam quam locum sancti Benedicti de Boclaund' intitulari seu nuncupari volumus . . . pro salute animarum domini Henrici quondam Regis Anglie et nobilis Reginc domine Alianore uxoris sue . . . et pro salute animarum domini Gilberti de Clare quondam Comitis Glouc' et Hertford' patris nostri et Isabelle Comitisse matris nostre ct Baldewini Comitis Devon' mariti nostri ac pro salute anime nostre et animarum Baldewini filii nostri quondam Comitis Devon' et Isabelle filie nostre Comitisse Devon' et Albemarl' et Margarete filie nostre sanctimonialis de Lacok' . . . fundamus . . ." {Inspeximus on Charter Roll, 8 Edw. I, m. I 2). («) Annales de Theokesheria, p. 64: Close Roll, 12 Edw. I, m. 9. C") " Mccxxxv, in nocte Circumcisionis domini." {Annales de Theokesbe P- 99)- beria.