Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/34

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i8 DACRE XXIII. 1890. 23. Henry Bouverie William (Brand), Viscount Hampden of Glynde and Lord Dacre, br. and h., b. 24 Dec. 1 8 1 4. Having been Speaker of the House of Commons, 1 8 72-84, he was, 4 Mar. 1884, cr. VISCOUNT HAMPDEN OF GLYNDE, Sussex. See that title. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 6,658 acres in Herts, 3,600 in Essex, 2,081 in co. Cambridge, and 978 in Suffolk. Total, 13,317 acres, worth ;^ 1 6,632 a year. Principal Residence. — The Hoo, near Welwyn, Herts. DACRE (of Gilsland), DACRE (of Dacre) 1509, DACRE AND GREYSTOKE 1529, and afterwards DACRE (of the North) BARONY. Randolf Dacre, ist surv. s. and h. male or Thomas (Dacre), Lord Dacre, by Philippe, da. of Ralph I. 1459 (Neville), Earl of Westmorland, was sum. to Pari., to by writ directed Ranulpho Dacre de Gillesland' chivaler, 1461. 9 Oct. (1459) 38 Hen. VI^*) (the same date as that whereon Sir Richard Fiennes, husband of the &t general, was also so sum. as Lord Dacre), whereby he is held to have become LORD DACRE (of Gilsland). He m. Eleanor, da. of William (Fitz- Hugh), Lord FitzHugh, by Margaret, da. of William (Willoughby), Lord Willoughby (of Eresby). He d. s.p., being slain, ex parte regis Henrici, 29 Mar. 1 46 1, at the battle of Towton, and was bur. at Saxton, co. York, when his honours became extinct. By Act of Pari, i Edw. IV he and his br. Humphrey (next below) were attainted. His widow was living 1 9 May 1468. II. 1473 I. Humphrey Dacre, yr. s. of Thomas (Dacre), or Lord Dacre, by Philippe, da. of Ralph (Neville), 1482. Earl of Westmorland, was br. and h. to Ran- dolf, Lord Dacre (of Gilsland) abovenamed, with whom he was attainted.^') He received a general pardon for all offences com- mitted by him before Midsummer last, 21 June 1468. As Humphrey (^) There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. () Pari. Rolls, vol. v, p. 480. In July 1462, "castrum de Newarde [Naworth] redditum est domino de Monte acuto. Et dominus de Dacres reddidit se sub certis appunctuamentis domino de Montagu " (William of Worcester, p. 493). According to Paston Letter, no. 459 (July 1462) "Lord Dakres of the Northe is wonne and yelden and the seid Lord [and others] in the said Castell ben taken and heded " — a mistake. Various "obsequious" services rendered by him (according to Dugdale and others) to Edwrard IV should be ascribed to the Lord Dacre of the South, [ex inform. G. W. Watson). V.G.