Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/340

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322 DEVON Perching, Sussex, 1^0., who d. 15 Feb. 1285/6.0 She was granted the manor of Watton, 2i Feb. 1285/6, to hold till her dower was assigned, /'.f., till 4 Apr. following.C') She d. shortly before 14 May I292.() VIII. 1262 8. Isabel, Countess of Aumale and Devon, Lady to OF THE Isle of Wight, sister and h.,('^) b. in July 1237. 1293. She was widow of William de Fortz, last Count of Aumale of that family, who d. 23 May 1260, at Amiens. (") " Robertus Aguillon." Writ of diem d. ext. ij Feb. 14 Edw. I. Inq., Sussex, Surrey, Bucks, Hants, Middlesex, Norfolk, Tuesday before Ash Wednesday [26 Feb.], Saturday and Sunday before, Wednesday and Friday after, St. Gregory, and Friday before the Annunciation [9, 10, 13, 15, 22 Mar.] 1285/6. "Robertus Agyloun diem clausit extremum die veneris in crastino sancti Vaientini [xv die Februarii — cos. Bucks., Middlesex'] anno supradicto." Inq., Herts, Kent, city of London, Thursday after St. Matthias, Wednesday before St. Gregory [28 Feb., 6 Mar.] 1285/6, and Thursday after the Annunciation [28 Mar.] 1286. No date of death. Heir, " Ysabella filia dicti Roberti Agyloun uxor Hugonis Bardolf," aged 28 at the Annunciation last past (4 Inq.), 26 at that feast (co. Herts), 28 at the Purification last past (co. Middlesex), 24 and more (cos. Bucks, Norfolk), or of full age (co. Hants). (Ch. Inq. p. nu, Edw. I, file 44, no. lo). (**) Close Roll, 14 Edw. I, mm. 7, 6. The King assigned her dower. ("=) " Margareta de Rypariis quondam Comitissa Devon'." Writ of diem cl. ext. 14 May 20 Edw. I. Inq., Hants (2), Herts, Surrey, Thursday after St. Barnabas (2), Saturday and Monday before St. John the Baptist [i2, 21, 23 June] 1292. "Isabella [de Fortibus Comitissa Albemarl'] est soror et heres propinquior predicti Baldewyni [de Insula Comitis de Insula] et est etatis liiij annorum [plene etatis — cos. Hants, Herts'].'" Inq., Devon, 28 June 1292. "Margareta que fuit uxor Roberti Aguillon'." Writ of diem cl. ext. 6 June 20 Edw. I. Inq., Hants, Middlesex, Sussex, Bucks, Surrey, Kent, Suffolk, 27 June, Sunday the Feast of, and Wednesday and Thursday after, SS. Peter and Paul, Saturday before, and Monday the Feast of, the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr [29 June, 2, 3, 5, 7 July], and 7 July 1292. " Isabella filia Roberti Agulon quam dominus Hugo Bardolf desponsavit est propinquior heres predicti Roberti," and aged 27, 28, or 30. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 63, no. 16; file 61, no. 18). ("*) " Ego Isabella de Fortibus Comitissa Albemarl' et Devon' ac domina Insule filia Baldewini de Redveriis soror et heres Baldewini filii Baldewini quondam Comitis Devon' et domini Insule in ligia et legitima viduitate mea et plena potestate mea pro salute anime domini mei Willelmi de Fortibus quondam Comitis Albemarl' et pro salute anime mee Thome et Willelmi filiorum meorum . . . concessi . . . deo et christi ecclesie de Twinham . . . omnes . . . que vel quas Baldewinus Comes Devon' filius Ricardi senioris et Comes Ricardus filius ejus et heres introductores canonicorum regularum dederunt deo et christi ecclesie . . . Item ecclesiam de Thornle quam domina Alicia de Redveriis Comitissa _sic : but see p. 310, note "c"] concessione et confirma- cione Ricardi Comitis heredis et nepotis sui eisdem dedit . . . Et totam terram eorum de Delborn' . . . quam Ricardus de Redveriis Comes pater Baldewini Comitis secundi eisdem dedit . . . Item totum manerium de Flete . . . quod habent de dono Comitisse Hawysie ex concessione et confirmacione Willelmi de Redveriis fratris sui . . ." [Cartulary of Twynham, f. 24; Inspeximus on Charter Roll, 7 Edw. II, m. 9).