Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/343

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DEVON 325 [Sir Hugh de Courtenay, s. and h. ap., b. 22 Mur. 1326/7. He was in France in 1346, at the siege of Calais 1347, late in which year he distinguished himself at a tournament at Eltham. K.G.C) 1348, being one of the founders of the Order of the Garter-C") He ;«., in 1341, before Sep., Elizabeth. (') He J. v.p., before 2 Sep. 1349, and was bur. at Ford Abbey, aged about 22. His widow d. 23 Sep. 1375.] [Hugh de Courtenay, s. and h. of the above Hugh and Elizabeth, and grandson and h. ap. of Hugh, Earl of Devon abovenamed. He was knighted by Prince Edward before Vittoria in 1367, and was at the battle of Najera the same year. He was sum. to Pari. 8 Jan. (i 370/1) 44 Edw. Il^"^) by writ directed Hugoni de Courteney !e flz, whereby he is held to have become LORD COURTENAY.(') He m., istly, before May 1361,0 Margaret, da. of Sir Guy de Bryan (e) [Lord Bryan, sum. 1350], probably by his ist wife, but certainly by one antecedent to Elizabeth, da. of William (de Montagu), ist Earl of Salisbury. She d. shortly after 1361. He m., 2ndly (Papal disp. 5 Sep. 1363), about 1365, Maud, da. of Thomas (de Holand), Earl of Kent, by Joan (afterwards Princess of Wales), da. of Edmund, Earl of Kent. He d. s.p., 20 Feb. 1373/4, in the lifetime of his grandfather the Earl of Devon abovenamed. His widow m., as ist wife, in Easter week 1380, at Windsor, W^aleran de Luxemburg, Count of Ligny and St. Pol, who d. 19 Apr. 1415, at the Castle of Ivoi, in Luxemburg. She d. before 13 Apr. 1392.] XI. 1377. 3. Edward (de Courtenay), Earl of Devon, and Lord Courtenay, called "the blind Earl," grandson and h., being s. and h. of Edward de Courtenay, of Goodrington, by Emmeline {d. 12>1'^ before 20 Sep.), da. and h. of Sir John Dawnay, which Edward was 3rd s. of the last Earl, but d. v.p., between 1364 and 1372. He was b. about 1357, being still a minor 14 Aug. 1377; served in the Scottish war; was knighted (by the Earl of Buckingham) 1380; was one of the suite that conducted Anne of Bohemia from Gravelines to London in 138 1 for her marriage; Adm. of the West 1383-85; of the King's Council 1395. He m. Maud, said to be da. of Thomas (Camoys), Lord Camoys. He, (*) See Beltz's Knights of the Garter, where (pp. 51-54) is a good account of him. () See vol. ii, Appendix B. (■=) Said to have been (but doubtless through confusion with her son's ist wife) da. of Sir Guy de Bryan of Tor Bryan, Devon. V.G. 1^) This summons of 1371 would, according to modern decisions, be regarded as a summons in his grandfather's Barony of Courtenay as cr. by the writ of 1299. See note "d" on preceding page. (*) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage dignity, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. (') On 8 Apr. 1361 Earl Hugh granted to Margaret, da. of Guy de Bryan, the Manor of Sutton Courtenay for life. V.G. (8) Close Roll, 35 Edw. III. V.G.