Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/352

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33+ DEVON XXV. 1702. 16. Sir William CouRTENAY, Bart., ^tf y^r^ Earl OF Devon, (') grandson and h., being ist s. and h. of Francis C, by Mary, da. of William Boevey, of Flaxley, co. Gloucester, and of London, merchant, which Francis was 2nd but ist surv. s. and h. ap. of the last named, de jure^ Earl, but d. v. p., and was bur. at Chelsea 12 May 1699, in his 49th year. He was b. 4 Mar. 1675; M.P. (Tory) for Devon 1 700/ 1 -10 and 17 12-35 jC") Lord Lieut, of Devon 17 14-16. Hew., 20 July 1704 (settl. dat. 16 June previous), at Wing, Bucks, Anne, 2nd da. ot James (Bertie), ist Earl of Abingdon, by his ist wife, Eleanor, da. of Sir Henry Lee, Bart. She d. 31 Oct. 171 8, and was bur. at Powderham. Admon. 26 Mar. 1734 to her husband "Sir W. C, Bart." He d. 10, and was bur. 11 Oct. 1735, at Powderham, aged 60. Will, as "Sir W. C, Bart.," dat. 19 Sep. 1734, pr. 15 Jan. 1735/6, by "Sir W. C, Bart.," the son. XXVI. 1735. 17- Sir W^iLLiAM Courtenay, Bart., ^^ _;'«r^ Earl OF Devon, (") 3rd but ist surv. s. and h., b. 11, and bap. 15 Feb. 1709/10, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields; matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.) 4 June 1729 as "son of a Baronet"; cr. M.A. 28 Jan. 1730/1, and D.C.L. (as a "Baronet") 16 May 1739; M.P. (Tory) for Honiton 1734-41, for Devon 174 1-62. He w., 2 Apr. 1741, at the Chapel in Duke Str., Westm., Frances, 4th da. of Heneage (Finch), 2nd Earl of Aylesford, by Mary, da. of Sir Clement Fisher, Bart. She, who was b. 4, and bap. 21 Feb. 1 720/ 1, d. at Bath 19, and was bur. 31 Dec. 1761, at Powderham. Ten days before his death he was cr.., 6 May 1762, VISCOUNT COURTENAY of POWDERHAM CASTLE, co. Devon. He d. in London, 16, and was bur. 31 May 1762, at Powderham, aged 52. Will pr. June 1762. XXVII. 1762. 18. William (Courtenay), Viscount Courtenay of Powderham, and de jure Earl of Devon, (*) only s. and h., b. 30, and bcip. 31 Oct. 1742, at St. James's, Westm.; matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.) 21 Mar. 1761. A Tory. He ;«., 7 May 1762, at Edin- burgh, and subsequently at Powderham, 19 Dec. 1763, Frances,(') da. of Thomas Clack., " proprietor," of Wallingford, Berks. She,^. in Grosvenor Sq., Midx., 25 Mar., and was bur. 5 Apr. 1782, at Powderham. He d. 14 Oct. 1788, suddenly, in Grosvenor Sq., aged nearly 46. Will pr. Dec. 1788. (^) See p. 336, text and note "b." C") He was also elected for Honiton 171 5. V.G. ) Her elder sister, Sarah, m. Sir Charles Palmer, 6th Bart., and her younger sister, Elizabeth, m. William Honeywood, s. of Sir John Honeywood, and was mother of Sir John H., 4th Bart. George Selwyn writes on 26 Mar. 1782: "The death of Lady C. is an irreparable loss to I do not know how many daughters which she has left behind her; she was, I am told, the most valuable parent that ever was." V.G.