Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/37

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DACRE 21 about 1488, Elizabeth, (') according to modern doctrine, suo jure Baroness Greystoke, da. and sole h. of Sir Robert Greystoke, by Elizabeth, da. of Edmund (Grey), Earl of Kent, which Sir Robert (who d. v.p. 1483) was s. and h. ap. of Ralph, Lord Greystoke, who d. 1487. She, who was b. and bap. 10 July 147 1 or 1472 at Morpeth, d. 14 Aug. I5i6.() He d. on the Borders, 24 Oct. 1525, by a fall from his horse, and was bur. at Lanercost, in his 59th year. Admon. (de bonis non), 2 Nov. 1565, P.C.C, to his grandsons, Leonard and Edward Dacre. IV. 1525. 3. William (Dacre), Lord Dacre (of Gilsland) and Lord Greystoke, only s. and h., b. 29 Apr. I500.(') On his mother's death, in 15 16, he was regarded as having sue. to the Barony of Greystoke. ('^) Capt. of Norham Castle Feb. 1 522/3. (") He had special livery, without proof of age, of all the lands of his inherit- ance, 23 Jan. and i Feb. 1525/6.0 He was sum. to Pari, from 3 Nov. (1529) 21 Hen. VIII to 21 Oct. (1555) 2 and 3 Ph. and Mar., by writs variously directed WiUelmo Dacre., Willelmo Dacres de Dacre et Greystok ; as de Gillesland; or de Greystok, or as del North.{f) In 18 Hen. VIIl, as " William Lord Dacre and Greystoke," he was appointed Steward of Penrith and divers other northern manors. Warden of the West Marches 2 Dec. 1527 to 8 May I534,(^) when he was accused of treason by some Scots "of mean condition," and committed to the Tower about 15 May following,(') being acquitted 9 July I534.(') It was in this case that the judges answered in the negative the question put to them whether he (^) "... Eliza his sole daughter and heir [i.e. of Robert Greistock] ... did inheritt all the sayd landes and was ward to the Kinge for the same. The custodye of whose bodye being graunted to the Earl of Oxford and commited by him to the Lord Clifford, who kept her at his caste!!, Browmham in Westmoreland, from whom Thomas Lord Dacre without leave asking, but not without perill to his person, did take her, married her, and by her had yssue, bsc." {Narrative by Lord IVilliam Howard, Surtees Soc, vol. 68, p. 391). V.G. (^) Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 32, nos. 6, 8. According to her M.I. she d. 21 Aug. The date of her death is given as 13 Aug. in the Obituary of the Abbey of Newminster. {Monasticon, vol. v, p. ^^o). V.G. C^) Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 32, nos. 6, 8. V.G. ('^) In the marriage articles between his father and future father-in-law, dated I Dec. 1 51 7, he is spoken of as "William lord Greystoke son and heire apparante unto the said lord Dacre." V.G. (*) Archceologia, vol. xvii, p. 202. V.G. (f) Patent Roll, 17 Hen. VIII, p. 2, mm. 21, 22; Duchy of Lane. Misc. Books, vol. 22, f. 82 v. [ex inform. G. W. Watson). V.G. (6) These Lords were generally called Dacre of the North, to distinguish them from the Lords Dacre, resident in Sussex and Kent, generally known as Dacre of the South. 1^) Letters and Papers, Henry FHI, vol. vii, no. 962, p. 368. V.G. (') Ibid., no. 674, p. 258. V.G. (') Ibid., no. 962, p. 370. V.G.