Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/372

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354 DIGBY Offaley [I.], in her Irish estates, but not in her Peerage dignity. Took his seat 25 June i66i; Gov. of King's Co. He m., in or before 1652, Mary, da. of Robert Gardiner, of London. He d. at Dublin, 1 1, and was bur. (with his parents) 13 July 1661, in St. Patrick's afsd. M.I. Will dat. 18 June i66i,pr. 5 June 1665. His widow, who resided at Coleshill afsd., d. 23 Dec. 1692, and was bur. there. M.I. Will dat. 5 Dec. 1691, pr.3Feb. 1692/3. III. 1 66 1. 3. Robert (Digby), Baron DiGBY OF Geashill [I.], 2nd(*) but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 30 Apr. 1654; matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.), 6 Nov. 1670; cr. M.A. 1 1 July 1676. M.P. for Warwick May to Dec. 1677. He d. unm., 29 Dec. 1677, and was bur. at Coleshill afsd., aged 23. M.I. Admon. [I.] 5 Feb. iSyy/S to his mother. IV. 1677. 4. Simon (Digby), Baron Digby of Geashill [I.], next br. and h., b. 18 July 1657; matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.), I June i674.() M.P. (Tory) for Warwick 1685-86. He m.y 27 Aug. 1683, Frances, ist da. of Edward (Noel), ist Earl of Gainsborough, by his ist wife, Elizabeth, da. of Thomas (Wriothesley), Earl of Southampton. She d. in childbirth, 29 Sep., and was bur. 5 Oct. 1684, at Coleshill, in her 23rd year. He d. s.p.m.,(^) 19, and was bur. there 24 Jan. 1685/6, aged 28, having been a benefactor to that parish. M.I. V. 1686. 5. William (Digby), Baron Digby of Geashill [I.], next br. and h. male, b. at Coleshill afsd.; matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.), 16 May 1679, aged 17, B.A. 5 July 1681, D.C.L. 13 July 1708. He was M.P. (Tory) for Warwick i689-98.C^) He did not sit in, and was attainted by, the Pari. [I.] of James II, 7 May i689.(°) Chosen one of the Common Council for Georgia Apr. 1733. He m. (lie. from Vic. Gen. 22 May 1686, he about 24, and she about 19) Jane, 2nd da. of Edward (Noel), ist Earl of Gainsborough, by his ist wife, Elizabeth, both abovenamed. She d. 10 Sep. 1733, at Sherborne, Dorset, which estate he inherited in 1698, by the death of his cousin, John (Digby), 3rd (*) The 1st s., Robert, h. 22 Apr., d. 11 July 1653, and was bur. at Coleshill. M.I. C*) Among the graduates of Oxford occurs " Digby, Hon. [j;V] Simon, M.A., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, incorp. July 11 1676; D.D. by Decree of Conv. Dec. 12 1677." The " Hon." is, however, an error, for this Simon was son of Essex Digby, Bishop of Kilmore (br. of Robert, ist Lord Digby). He ent. Trin. Coll. Dublin 14 May i66i, aged 16, B.A. 1664, and M.A. (though not recorded) before 1670. He became Bishop of Limerick 1679-92, and of Elphin 1692 till his death, 7 Apr. 1720. if) Frances, his only da. and h., m. James (Scudamore), 3rd Viscount Scuda- more [I.], and d. 3 May 1729, aged 44, leaving an only da., whose issue became extinct in 1820, on the death of Frances, Dowager Duchess of Norfolk. (■*) In Diet. Nat. Biog. he is wrongly stated to have sue. 1685, and to have been M.P. for the county of Warwick. His death also is misdated. V.G. (') For a list of peers present in and absent from this Pari., see vol. iii, Appen- dix D.