Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/377

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DILLON 3S9 which Theobald was yr. br. of Lucas and Thomas, 2nd and 4th Viscounts abovenamed. He obtained a considerable grant from Charles II. He m., istly, Ursula, da. of William (Duncan), ist Earl of Limerick. [L], by Maria Euphemia, da. of Sir Richard Chambers, Bart. [E. 1663]. She il. 1680. Admon. [L] 11 Feb. 1680/1, to her husband. He ;«., 2ndly, late in 1 68 1, Anne, ist da. of Richard (Nugent), 2nd Earl of Westmeath [L], by Mary, da. of Sir Thomas Nugent, Bart. [L]. With her he had a fortune of ;/^ 1,500. YLcd.s.p., of dropsy, at Killenfagny afsd., in Sep. or Oct. 1682. Will dat. 2 Sep. 1682, pr. at Dublin. His widow w. (articles 10 Nov. 1683) Sir William Talbot, 3rd Bart. [L 1623], of Carton, who d. s.p.m., 18 May 1 69 1. Her will dat. 14 July 1710, pr. 171 1 in Prerog. Ct. [I.]. VU. 1682. 7. Theobald (Dillon), Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallen [I.], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Robert Dillon, of Loughglynn, co. Roscommon, by Rose, ist da. of John Dillon, of Streamstown, which Robert was s. and h. of Sir Lucas D., of Loughglynn afsd., the 2nd s. of the ist Viscount. He was Lieut. Col. in Clanricarde's regt. of Guards in the Irish army of James II, and sat in that King's Irish Pari. 7 May i689.(*) He was attainted 1 1 May 1691, which attainder, however, was reversed 20 June 1694, "because within the articles of Limerick," in favour of his son. He m. Mary, da. of Sir Henry Talbot, of Mount Talbot, co. Roscommon, by Margaret, sister of Richard (Talbot), Duk.e of Tyrconnel, da. of Sir William T., ist Bart. [I.], of Carton, co. Kildare. He was killed at the battle of Aughrim, 12 July i69i.() His widow was accidentally killed a few weeks later, 7 Sep. 1691, in Limerick, during the siege, by the explosion of a bomb. VIII. 1691. 8. Henry (Dillon), Viscount Dillon of Costello- Gallen [I.], s. and h.; was M.P. for co. Westmeath in King James's Pari, held at Dublin, 7 May i689;(^) Lord Lieut, of co. Roscommon, Gov. of Galway, and Col. of a regt. of Foot in that King's army. On 20 June 1694, the outlawry of his father was reversed, and he appears to have sat in the House of Lords [I.]. He m. (articles 7 July 1687) Frances, 2nd da. of Sir George Hamilton, Count Hamilton in France, by Frances (afterwards Duchess of Tyrconnel [I.]), da. of Richard Jennings, of Sandridge, Herts. He d. in Dublin, 13, and was bur. 23 Jan. 1 713/4, at Ballyhawnis, co. Mayo. Will dat. the day before death, pr. 1716, in Prerog. Ct. [I.]. His widow, who was b. in France, m. (*) For a list of peers present in and absent from this Pari., see vol. iii, Appendix D. C") See a list of Irish Peers there slain, wounded, or imprisoned, vol. ii, p. 102, note "a," mh Bellew.