Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/387

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DINGWALL 369 X. I 837- 9 G EORGE Augustus h REDERICK (Cowper), I'.ARL COWPER, ^c, s. and h., b. 26 June 1806; d. I 5 Apr. 1856 For fuller particulars see CowPER, Earldom a: 17.8, under the 6th Earl XI. 1856. 10 ane Francis Thomas de Grey (Cowper), Eari. Cowper, {ffc, s. and h., b. 11 June 1834. In V 18-71 1871 he became LORD DINGWALL [S.], as also LORD BUTLER OF MOORE PARK, CO. Hertford [E.], the attainder [i-] i) affecting these two Baronies having been reversed 31 July 1871, and he being declared by the House of Lords, on 15 Aug. following, entitled thereto as the h. general. See Cowper, Earldom, cr. 171 8, under the 7th Earl. DINHAM or DINAUNTC) BARONY BY i. Sir Oliver de Dinham, or de DinaunTjC") of WRIT. Hartland, Nutwell, and Ilsington, Devon, Buckland . ^ Denham, Somerset, and Cardinham, Cornwall, s. and h. ~^^' of Sir Geoffrey de Dinham, of Hartland, ^c. (who d. shortly before 26 Dec. I258).(') He was aged 24 at his father's death. () The King took, his homage, and he had livery of his father's lands, 13 Jan. 1258/9. ('^) He was pardoned for non-observance of the Provisions of Oxford, 28 Mar. I264.() Constable of Exeter Castle, 24 Sep, to 12 Nov. I264.(') In 1265 he supported the King's cause in the (») This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. (•>) The arms of this family were, Gules, 5 fusils in fesse Ermine. Cf. casts of seals, Brit. Mus., Ixxxv, nos. 42, 43, 45. (') Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. Ill, file 21, no. 19. This Geoffrey had respite of knighthood, 25 Aug. 1229, till the quinzaine of St. Michael following. He was s. and h. of Oliver de Dinant, who d. shortly before 28 June 1221, when the custody of his lands (and afterwards that of his heir) was committed to William Briwcrc. {Close Rolls, S Hen. Ill, m. J; 9 Hen. III,/.. 2, m. 4; 13 Hen. Ill, m. 5 d; 20 Hen. Ill, m. 14 d). Oliver was s. and h. of Geoffrey, s. and h. of Oliver (living 1 173, and br. and h. of GeofS-ey, founder of Hartland Abbey), s. of Oliver, Sire de Dinan {d. 1x50), s. and h. of Geoffrey, Sire de Dinan in Brittany (who gave the manors of Nutwell and Harpford, Devon, to the Abbey of Marmoutier in 1122), by Orieldis his wife. (Dom Morke, preuves, torn, i, col. 546, ^c: J. Geslin de Bourgogne et A. de Barthelemy, Cartulaire du Prieuri dt St. Malo, in Anciens Evequh de Bretagne, vol. iv, p. 394 sqq.: R. de Monte, ad annum I 168: Monasticon, vol. vi, p. 436). (d) Fine Roll, 43 Hen. Ill, m. ID; Patent Roll, 48 Hen. III,/.. I, m. 16. (') Patent Rolls, 48 Hen. Ill, p. 1, m. T,; () Hen. Ill, m. 29. He refused to deliver up the castle, and on 9 Jan. 1264/5 the sheriff was ordered to enjoin him to do so, and if he refused again, to take his lands into the King's hand. [Idem, m. 25). 47