Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/392

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374 DINHAM father's lands, 12 May I340.(") On 30 Sep. 1353 the King took his homage and fealty for the manor and advowson of Corton Denham, Somerset, which he had lately recovered. C") On 28 June 1357 he obtained possession of a third part of the manor of Hartland, fcfc, which his grandmother, Margaret, had held in dower.('=) He obtained, 22 Sep. 1359, an exemption for life from being put on assizes, juries, ^c, and from being appointed mayor, sheriff, escheator, fsfc, against his will.(') On 22 Apr. 1362 he had livery of the manors of Buckland Denham and Harpford, which his mother, Margaret, had held in dower.("=) He m. Muriel, sister and in her issue coh. of Hugh DE CouRTENAY,('^) and elder da. of Sir Thomas de Courte- NAY, of Woodhuish and Dunterton, Devon, Wootton Courtenay and Cricket Malherbe, Somerset, i^c., by Muriel, elder da. and coh. of Sir John DE MoELES, of Maperton and North Cadbury, Somerset, Kingskers- well, Devon, Over Worton, Oxon, Over Wallop, Hants, &fc.(') She J. before 12 Aug. 1369, and was ^«r. in Hartland Abbey.(') He d'., being murdered by robbers, 7 Jan. i382/3,(«) aged about 64. 5. Sir John de Dinham, of Hartland, Buckland Denham, and Cardinham, s. and h., l>. 1359 or 1359/60 in co. Devon. When he had proved his age, the King took his homage and fealty, and he had livery of the (") Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 266, no. 1 3060: Close Roll, 14 Edw. Ill, p. i,m.2i. () C/ose Roll, 27 Edw. Ill, m. lO. His fealty was actually taken by the Chan- cellor, the Archbishop of York. (Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 358, no. 22228). {)Ckse Rolls, 31 Edw. Ill, m. II; 36 Edw. Ill, m. 32: Patent Roll, 33 Edw. Ill, p. 3, m. 15. (^) " Hugo de Courtenay filius et heres Thome de Courtenay chivaler defuncti." Writs of devenerunt 20 Sep. 43 Edw. in England and 30 in France. Inq., Devon, Oxon, Hants, Somerset, 26 Sep., I2, 16, and 18 Oct. 1369. " Et dicunt quod predictus Hugo filius Thome obiit xij™° die Augusti ultimo preterito [die dominica proxima ante testum Assumpcionis beate Marie anno supradicto — co. Devon' Et quod Margareta soror predicti Hugonis etatis xvij annorum et amplius [decern et septem annorum et dimidii anni — co. Devon] et Johannes Dynham filius Johannis Dynham chivaler et Muriele uxoris sue alterius sororum predict! Hugonis etatis x [undecim — co. Devon] annorum et amplius sunt ejusdem Hugonis heredes propinquiores." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 208, no. 24: Exch. Ing.p. m., I, file 31, no. 5). (*) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on John de Moeles), Edw. Ill, file 52, no. 7. See MoELES. (^ Indulgence for those praying "pro anima domine Murielle Dynham cujus corpus in Monasterio de Hertylonde requiescit humatum ": 11 Sep. 1374. [Exeter Reg., Brantyngham, p. 344). if) "Johannes Dynham miles." Writs of diem cl. ext. 15 Jan. 6 Ric. II. Inq., Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Wednesday and Monday after the Purification, and Friday in the second week of Lent [4, 9, 20 Feb.] 1382/3. " Et quod obiit die Mercurii in crastino Epiphanie domini [vij die Januarii — cos. Devon, Cornwall] ultimo preterito Et quod Johannes de Dynham miles filius ejusdem Johannis de Dynham defuncti propinquior heres ejus est et etatis xxiiij" annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 25, no. 28: Exch. hjq. p. m., Enrolments, no. 223).