Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/395

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DINHAM 377 widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 12 Feb. i42 8/9.(*) She ot., 2ndly, before 24 Mar. 1428/9, C") Nicholas Broughton, who was living 5 Mar. i444/5-(') She J. 15 May 1465.O 6. Sir John Dinham, of Hartland, Kingskerswell, Nutwell, Buck- land Denhain, Cardinham, {ffc, s. and h., by 3rd wife, aged 22 and more at his father's death. The King took his fealty, and he had livery of his father's lands, 12 Feb. 1428/9, his homage being respited. (°) He was knighted before i May 1430, and in 1430 and 143 1 was in France with the King.(') In Aug. 1444 the Abbot of Hartland charged him with breaking into the Abbot's close and houses at Stoke St. Nectan, and taking his horses, sheep, and cattle. («) He m., before 12 July i434,('^) Joan, sister and h. of John Arches, and da. of Sir Richard Arches, of Eythorpe, Cranwell, and Little Kimble, Bucks, by Lucy, his wife.C") He quod Johannes Dynham armiger filius predict! Johannis ... est propinquior heres cjusdem Johannis et etatis viginti duorum annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. VI, file 40, no. 56: E.xch. Irtj. p. m., I, file 142, no. 7). (») Writs d,( dote assignanda 12 Feb. {Close Roll, 7 Hen. VI, m. 13). C") See note "d " below. (■=) In an Inq. taken by the Official of the Archdeacon of Exeter, 3 Mar. 1444/5, it is stated that " Nicholaus Broughtone et domina Philippa Dynham uxor ejus relicta domini Johannis Dynham militis defuncti sunt veri patroni ejusdem cantarie [per- petue in ecclesia parochiali de Hemyoke] hac vice." They presented to the chantry 5 Mar. following. [Exeter Reg., Lacy, p. 296). C') " Philippa Broughton' que fuit uxor Johannis Dynham militis." Writs of diem cl. ext. 25 May 5 Edw. IV. Inq., Somerset, Devon, Saturday the vigil of Trinity (2) [8 June] 1465. By charters, dated at Kingskerswell, Thursday in Cena domini and Wednesday in Easter week 7 Hen. VI [24, 30 Mar. 1428/9], John Dynham and others gave the manors of Hemyock, Clayhidon, Venn Ottery, and Dunterton, and the hundred of Hemyock, Devon, and the manors of Northome and Cricket Malherbe, Somerset, to Philippe Broughton, for life, with reversion to the same John Dynham, bfc. " Et dicunt eciam quod predicta Philippa obiit quinto- decimo die Maii ultimo preterite . . . Et dicunt quod Johannes Dynham armiger est consanguineus et heres propinquior predicte Philippe videlicet filius Johannis filii predicte Philippe et est etatis triginta et trium annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. IV, file 16, no. 18: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 216, no. i). (') Fine Roll, 7 Hen. VI, m. II. (') French Roll, 8 Hen. VI, ;^. 12: Feudal Aids, vol. iv, p. 425. (s) Patent Rolls, 22 Hen. VI, p. 2,m. C)di: 12 Hen. VI, p. 2, m. 13. 1^) " Ricardus Arches chivaler." Writ of diem cl. ext. 4 Oct. 5 Hen. V. Inq., Bucks, Wednesday before St. Martin [lO Nov.] 141 7. " Et dicunt quod predictus Ricardus Arches obiit quinto die Septembris anno dicti domini Regis supradicto Et dicunt quod Johannes Arches est filius et heres propinquior dicti Ricardi Arches et est etatis septem annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. V, file 25, no. 3). Joan is called da. and h. of Richard Arches, and Richard's mother, Lucy, is mentioned, in Early Ch. Proc, 29, mm. 62, 63. In Apr. 1452, after the death of Joan [widow of William] Leghe, Joan (Dynham) was found to be coheir to the manors of Steeple Barton, Rousham, and Dornford, Oxon, being da. of Lucy, da. of Agnes, sister of William de Sharcshull, whose issue had failed at the death of the