Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/409

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DONEGALL 3gi He was, in 1697, in command of a regt. of foot; Col. of the 35th Foot 1701-06; in Feb. 1704 was made Major Gen. of the Spanish forces by the Prince of Hesse; Gov. of the fortress of Gironne, near Barcelona, 1705, but lost his life next year before the fort of Monjuich. He ;«., istly, before 1676, Barbara, 5th and yst. da. of Roger (Bovle), ist Earl of Orrery [I.], by Margaret, da. of Theophilus (Howard), 2nd Earl of Suffolk. She d. s.p.s., 20, and was bur. 24 Nov. 1682, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. He m., 2ndly, 27 July 1685, Catherine, da. of Arthur (Forbes), ist Earl of Granard [I.], by Catherine, da. of Sir Robert Newcomen, Bart. [I.]. He d., as afsd., 10 Apr. 1706, aged 40, and was bur. at Barcelona. M.I. at Carrickfergus. Will dat. 30 July 1705, pr. 3 Nov. 1708 and i June 1739. His widow d. at Abinger, Surrey, 15 June, and was bur. 10 Aug. 1743, at Carrickfergus. Will pr. 20 July 1743 and 25 June 1746. IV. 1706. 4. Arthur (Chichester), Earl of Donegall, ^c. [1.], s. and h., by 2nd wife, b. 28 Mar. 1695, styled Viscount Chichester, till 1706. He ;«., 3 Oct. 1716, at Polesden House, Little Bookham, Surrey (reg. at St. Geo. the Martyr, Queen Sq., Midx.), Lucy, ist da. and coh. of Robert (Ridgeway), 4th Earl of Londonderry [I.], by Lucy, da. of Sir William Jopson, Bart. She d. 16 July 1732, at Bromfield, Essex, and was bur. at Tor Mohun, Devon. (*) Will pr. 17 May 1735. He d. s.p., 30 Sep. 1757, at Marbury Hall, Cheshire, aged 62. Will pr. 18 Nov. 1757. V. 1757. 5 and i. Arthur (Chichester), Earl of Donegall, fo'c. [1.], nephew and h., being s. and h. MARQUESSATE [I.] of the Hon. John Chichester, of Abinger, Surrey, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Richard Newdegate, 3rd I. 1791. Bart., of Arbury, which John was next br. to the last Earl. He was b. 13 June 1739, matric. at Oxford (Trin. Coll.) 25 Nov. 1757, aged 19, M.A. 5 July 1759, and D.C.L. 7 July 1763. He took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 22 Oct. 1765; P.C. [I.], app. 13 June 1766, and sworn 15 Sep. 1768; M.P. for Malmesbury 1768-74. He was a:, 3 July 1790, BARON FISHERWICK, CO. Stafford [G.B.], and was next year, 4 July 1791, cr. EARL OF BELFAST and MARQUESS OF DONEGALL [I.].(^) He ;;;., istly. (^) Viscount Molesworth writes, 29 July 1721, that she "entertains ail the Jacobite parsons about the town, who dare not show their heads anywhere else for treason." V.G. (*>) The Lord Lieutenant (Westmorland) writes to W. W. Grenville, 5 May 1790, "You must decide in England whether Lord Donegal's weight generally calculated is worth the price he asks, an Irish Marquisate and English Barony . . . agreeable as the assistance of 4 Members might be to Irish Government, I can by no means recommend that an English Peerage should be made often the price of Irish support." Horace Walpole called him "a very weak creature." He is described,