Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/429

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DORCHESTER 411 19 Nov. 181 1, at Bromley Palace, Kent. He was sometime Lieut. 7th Hussars. A Liberal. (*) He w;., I2 June 1837, Anne, da. of Thomas W. J. Wauchope. She d. 7 June 1861, at Greywell Hill, near Odiham, Hants. He d. s.p.m., 3 Dec. 1875, at Greywell afsd., aged 64. Will pr. 3 Feb. 1876, at Winchester, under /, 18,000. IV. 1875 4. Dudley Wilmot(Carleton), Baron Dorchester, to cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of the Rev. the Hon. 1897. Richard Carleton, Rector of Nately Scures afsd., by Frances Louisa, 2nd da. and coh. of Eusebius Horton, of Catton Hall, co. Derby, which Richard was 7th and yst. s. of the ist Baron, and d. 2 Feb. 1869, aged 77. He was ^. at Catton, 12 Nov., and iap. 20 Dec. 1822, at Croxall, co. Derby; entered the Army, Apr. 1840; served in the Crimea with the Coldstream Guards; Knight of the Medjidie; Col., Nov. 1862, retired Sep. 1868. A Liberal.^) He m., 27 July 1854, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Charlotte, ist surv. da. and coh. of John Cam (Hobhouse), Baron Broughton, by Julia Tomlinson, 6th da. of George (Hay), 7th Marquess of Tweeddale [S.]. He d. s.p., of pleurodinia, at 42 Berkeley Sq., 30 Nov., and was hur. 4 Dec. 1897, at Kensal Green, aged 75, when his Peerage became extinct. His widow, who was b. 31 Mar. 1 83 1, ■3'. II June 19 14. V. 1899. I. Henrietta Anne Carleton, ist da. of Guy, 3rd Baron Dorchester abovenamed, by Anne, da. of Thomas W. J. Wauchope, was b. 25 May 1846, at Greywell Hill, Hants. On 2 Aug. 1 899, she was cr. BARONESS DORCHESTER, of Dorchester, CO. Oxford. She w., istly, 14 June 1864, at AH Saints', Odiham, Hants, Francis Paynton Pigott, of Banbury, Oxon, ist s. of Francis Pigott, by Frances Philips, da. of Lieut. Gen. Sir Francis J. Wilder. He d. 7 Apr. 1883, at Greywell Hill afsd., aged 46. She m., 2ndly, 10 Nov. 1887, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq., Major Gen. Richard Langford Leir, of Ditcheat, Somerset, who took, by Royal lie, 26 May 1888, the name of Carleton in addition to that of Leir. In 1899 she took by Royal lie. the name of Carleton only for her and her issue. [Dudley Massey Pigott Carleton, 2nd() but ist surv. s. and h. ap., by 1st husband, b. 2^ Feb. 1876, at Greywell Hill; sometime Lieut. 9th (^) When he voted in important divisions it was on the Liberal side, but he was absent from those on the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1845 and 1846, and from those on Irish Church DisestabHshment in 1868 and 1869, as well as from that on the repeal of the Paper Duty in i860. V.G. C') He became a Liberal Unionist in 1886. (■=) His elder br., Guy Francis Carleton, h. 8 Mar. 1875, at Greywell Hill, d. 21 Nov. 1892, at Boulogne-sur-mer.