Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/448

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430 DORSET TON, by Diana, 2nd da. and coh. of John Sambrooke, which George (better known as Lord George Germain) was 3rd and yst. s. of the ist Duke of Dorset. He was b. 27 Aug., and bap. 25 Sep. 1767, at St. James's, Westm.; ed. at Westm. school; Receiver Gtn. of Jamaica 1776-18 15; sue. his father, 26 Aug. 1785, as Viscount Sackville and Baron Bolebrooke, and sue. his cousin, 30 years later, in the Dukedom, i^c.(^) He was Bearer of the Sword of State at the Coronation, 19 July 1821; P.C. 10 Dec. 1821 ; Master of the Horse (Tory) 1821-27, and again Jan. to Apr. 1835; K.G. 30 Jan. 1826. He d. unm., 29 July 1843, in Harley Str., aged 75, when all his honours became extinet. Will pr. Aug. 1843. Family Estates. — Knole Park in Sevenoaks, i^c, with the chief of the Sackville property devolved, in 181 5, on the two sisters and coheirs of the 4th Duke. Of these, the elder, the Countess of Plymouth, d. s.p., 20 July 1864; while the younger, the Countess of De la Warr, was er. Baroness Buck- hurst (with a spec, rem.) in 1864, and d. 1870, when the estate of Knole passed, firstly, to her 3rd son, Reginald, Lord Buckhurst, but secondly (after his succession, in 1 873, to the Earldom of De la Warr) to her 4th son, Mortimer, who was cr., in 1876, Baron Sackville of Knole. The property of the 5th and last Duke consisted of Drayton House, near Thrapstone, and about 5,000 acres in Northants (valued at some

^9,ooo a year), formerly the property of the family of Germain, from whom

it passed in 1769 by devise to the ist Viscount Sackville, the father of that Duke. On the Duke's death in 1843 it passed to his niece, Mrs. Stopford- Sackville, the only da. and h. of his only brother. DOUGLAS EARLDOM [S.] i. Sir William Douglas, of Douglas,(^) 2nd but only surv. s. of Sir Archibald D., Regent of Scotland I. 1358. (Apr. to July 1333), by Beatrice, da. of Sir Alexander Lindsay, of Crawford, having by the resignation of his uncle, Hugh Douglas, 26 May 1342 (confirmed by the King), obtained the vast estates of the Douglas family (formerly held by the well-known Sir James Douglas, "/A^ Good" slain in Spain, 25 Aug. 1330, elder br. of Hugh and Archibald abovenamed), attained full age about 1348, distin- guished himself (1346-56) against the English in Scotland; slew his kins- man, Wilham Douglas, "//^^ Knight of Liddesdale," in Aug. 1353, and was wounded 19 Sep. 1356, at the Battle of Poitiers, He was present at (') In Aug. 1808, Col. Norton Powlett brought an action against him at Win- chester, for crim. con. with his wife (born Percival), and recovered ^^3,000 damages. "A little, smart-looking man, and a favourite with the ladies." (Raikes' Journal, 3 Aug. 1843). V.G. C") See The Douglas Book, vol. i, p. 233. This magnificent work, by Sir William Fraser, is in four vols. 4to, Edinburgh, 1885, with copious illustrations.