Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/450

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432 DOUGLAS Tabular Pedigree of the House of Douglas I. William of Douglas, the first known owner of Douglasdalc, 1 1 74-1 2 1 3. 2. Archibald of Douglas, 1213-40. 3. Sir William of Andrew of Douglas, from whom the "Knight of Liddesdale" (William Douglas, 1240-74. D. his great-grandson), and the Earls of Morton [S.]. 4. Hugh of Douglas, 5. Sir William of Douglas, called " Le Hardi ; d. a prisoner in d. s.f., before I 289. London, 1298. 6. fames, "Lord of Douglas," called 8. Hugh, "Lord of Douglas," Sir Archibald Doug " the good Sir James," slain 1330. resigned 26 May I 342, (/.unm. slain 19 July 1333. I 7. William, "Lord of Douglas," only lawful son, d. unm., 19 July 1333. in. Archibald D., bastard son, sue. in 1388, as 3rd Earl of Douglas, d. 1400. I IV. Archibald, 4th Earl; 1st Duke of Tou- rainein France, <«'.i7Aug.i424. VII. James, 7th Earl, father of the 8th and 9th Earls of Douglas. His issue male became extinct, about I 506. .1. 9 and I. William, only surv. son in 1342, who then became "Lord of Douglas," and who was, in 1358, cr. Earl of Douglas [S.], d. 1384. I I I II. James, 2nd Isabel, sister George Douglas, (5^//(3r<^ Earl, only law- and h., sua son, cr. Earl of Angus ful son. He d. jure Countess [S.] 1389; ancestor of s.p. legit. i%%. of Mar [S.]. the Earls of Angus,

I Marquesses of Douglas, 

^ V. Archibald, 5th William Douglas, bastard son, ancestor of Earl, d. 1439. the house of Drumlanrig, Earls, Marquesses, and Dukes of Queensberry [S.]. VI. William, 6th Earl, d. s.t. 1440. Dukes of Hamilton, yc. [S.J. Archibald Douglas, bas- tard son, ancestor of the house of Cavers.