Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/486

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468 DROGHEDA [Henry Charles Ponsonby Moore, styled, 1 892-1908, Viscount Moore, only s. and h. ap.; b. 21 Apr. 1884, in Sussex Sq., Brighton. He m., 3 Mar. 1909, at St. Giles's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Kathleen, yst. da. of Charles M. Pelham-Burn, of Prestonfield, Edinburgh. Having sue. to the Earldom after Jan. 1901 he is outside the scope of this work.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883 {not including perpetuity leases), con- sisted of 16,609 ^cres in co. Kildare, and 2,688 in Queen's Co. Total, 19,297 acres, valued at ;^io,466 a year. Principal Residence. — Moore Abbey, Monasterevan, co. Kildare. DROMANA This, after the surrender of Dungarvan to the Crown, became the caput of the extensive Lordship of the Decies [a Barony, co. Waterford], long held by the Earls of Desmond [1.]. BARONY [I.] Sir Maurice FitzGerald, of the Decies, co. Water- . . ford, was cr., 27 Jan. 1568/9, BARON OF DROMANA, ^- ^J^9 and on the 31st, VISCOUNT DECIES [I.], both of which titles on his death, s.p., 28 Dec. 1572, became ^' ' extinct. See fuller particulars under "Decies," Vis- countcy [I.], cr. 1569; extinct 1572. See "Grandison of Dromana, co. Waterford," Viscountcy [I,] {Mason Filliers), cr. 1746; extinct 1800. See " Stuart-de-Decies, of Dromana within the Decies, co. Water- ford," Barony (Filliers-Stuart), cr. 1839; extinct 1874. DROMBOY i.e. "Bard of Dromboy, co. Meath," Barony [I.] {£ard)y cr. 1645 with the Viscountcy of Bellomont [I.], which see; extinct 1667. DROMISKEN See "Clermont of Dromisken, co. Louth," Barony [I.] {Fortescue), cr. 1852; extinct 1898. DROMORE i.e. "Dromore," Barony [I.] {Scudamore), cr. 1628 with the Vis- countcy OF ScuDAMORE [I.], which scc; extinct 171 6. See " Fanshawe of Dromore," Viscountcy [I.] {Fanshawe), cr. 1661; extinct 17 16.