Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/495

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EARLDOM III. BARONY. VI. DUCIE 477 3 and 6. Henry John (Reynolds-Moreton), Earl of Ducie [1837], Baron Ducie of „ Tortworth [1763] and Baron Moreton of "■ Tortworth [1837], ist s. and h., b. 25 June 1 827, at Sherborne; ed. at Eton, 1 840-43 ;(") styled Lord Moreton, i 840-53. M.P. (Liberal) (") for Stroud, 1852-53; F.R.S. 22 Feb. 1855; Lord Lieut, of CO. Gloucester, 1857-1911; Capt. of the Yeomen of the Guard, 1859-66; P.C. 6 July 1859; Lord Warden of the Stannaries, and Member of the Council of the PrinceofWales, 1888-1908. G.C.V.O. 15 May 1906. He ;«., 24 May 1849, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., his cousin, Julia, only da. and h. of James Haughton Langston, of Sarsden House, Oxon, by Julia, da. of Thomas (Reynolds-Moreton), ist Earl of Ducie. She d. of heart disease at Villa Niserb, Nice, 3, and was bur. 14 Feb. 1895, ^^ Tortworth. [Henry Haughton Reynolds-Moreton, styled Lord Moreton, only s. and h. ap., b. 4 Mar. 1857, at 80 Eaton Place; M.P. for West Gloucester- shire (Liberal) 1880-85. He lives at Sarsden House, in Oxfordshire. He m., 18 Dec. 1888, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq., Ada Margarette, ist da. of Dudley Robert Smith, of Pirbright, Surrey, and of Belgrave Sq., Midx., by Ellen Margarette, da. of the Rev. Edward Willes, of Astrop.] Family Estates. — These, in 1 9 1 2, consisted of about 9,000 acres in Oxon, and 5,500 in co. Gloucester, besides one acre (worth £111 a year) in CO. Lancaster. Total, 14,500 acres, worth, in 1883, £2i,g-ji a year, but far less now. Principal Residence. — Tortworth Court, Gloucestershire. DUDHOPE VISCOUNTCY [S.] I. John Scrimgeour, s. and h. of Sir James S., , , of Dudhope (^. 13 July 1612), by Margaret, da. of ■ ^ '^^' Sir Robert Carnegie, of Kinnaird; sue. his father in the office of Constable of Dundee and in the honour of Hereditary Standard Bearer of Scotland 161 2. He was cr., 15 Nov. 1641, by Charles I, "for good and faithful service," VISCOUNT OF DUDHOPE and LORD SCRIMGEOUR [S.], with rem. to heirs male whatsoever. (■=) He m. Margaret, da. of Sir David Seton, of Parbroath, CO. Fife. He d. 7 Mar. 1642/3. (*) In March 191 6, when aged nearly 89, he wrote to the Editor: "I left Eton in 1843, I believe. I was at the last real Montem." He pulled down the old mansion, Woodchester Park, which was very unsanitary, and built the new one, Tortworth Court. V.G. C") Like nine-tenths of the Liberal peers who were not office holders, he declined to follow Gladstone in his sudden capitulation to the Irish demand for Home Rule in 1886. V.G. {") The patent was written to the Great Seal (see Index to the Register), but is missing. A copy of it, however, signed by Archibald Primrose, Clerk to the Privy Council, is in the Wedderburn charter chest. V.G.