Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/515

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DUFFUS 497 William Ross, of Kindeace, one of" his creditors, after which he fled to Eng- land, but appears very shortly to have obtained immunity for the murder, probably owing to the Revolution, which he supported. He took the oath to William III 15 Apr. 1 6qo. He m. (cont. 5 Sep. 1 674 or 8 Sep. 1 675) (') Margaret, ist da. of Kenneth (Mackenzie), 3rd Earl of Seaforth [S.], by Isabel, da. of Sir John Mackenzie, of Tarbat. He d. 24 Sep. 1705. His widow d. Aug. 1 706. III. 1705 3. Kenneth (Sutherland), Lord Duffus [S.], ist s. to and h., took his seat in Pari. [S.J 28 Oct. 1706, and voted 17 16. for the Union; was a Capt. R.N. and taken prisoner by the French 29 June 171 1, after a desperate resistance, being hit five times by bullets. He joined the Rising on behalf of the House of Stuart in 1715, and was accordingly, by Act i George I, attaintedi^) 30 June 17 16, being sent from Hamburg to England, where in Aug. he was imprisoned in the Tower of London, but set free 4 Oct. 171 7, without having ever been tried. (") After this he became a Flag officer in the Russian Navy. He m. (cont. 30 Mar. 1708) Charlotte Christina, da. of Eric de Sioblade, Gov. of Gottenburg, in Sweden. He d. early in 1734. His widow d. 1771. IV. 1734. 4. Eric Sutherland, only s. and h., bap. 29 Aug. 1 7 10, at Twickenham, Midx. His claim, 18 Mar. 1733/4, to the title, on the ground of his father's surrender, was heard 3 Apr. 1734, but disallowed. He took no part in the Rising of 1745. He was an Ensign in Disney's regt., 1731, and a Capt. in Suther- land's regt., 1759. He m. Elizabeth, 3rd da. of his paternal uncle, the Hon. Sir James Dunbar, formerly Sutherland, Bart., by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir William Dunbar, ist Bart. [S.], of Hempriggs, co. Caithness. He d. 28 Aug. 1768, in his 58th year, at Skibo. His admon. as " the Hon. Erick Sutherland, Esq., commonly called Lord Duffus," of Wick, CO. Caithness, 15 Mar. 1769, was under ;^300. His widow d. 21 July 1800, at Edinburgh. C) The former date is given in Eraser's Sutherland Book, vol. i, p. 515, and the latter in Reg. of Deeds., Mackenzie (23 July 1709). V.G. C") For a list of Scottish Peers attainted for participation in this Rising and in that of 1745, with subsequent restorations, see vol. i. Appendix E. V.G. (■=) The Act required the persons named to deliver themselves up to justice on or before 30 June I 7 16. Lord DufFus left Sweden on the 2nd with intent so to do, but was detained by stress of weather. He, however, surrendered himself to the British Minister at Amsterdam on the 29th, but this was harshly held in Apr. 1734 not to have been a sufficient performance of the condition required. 63