Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/54

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38 DALHOUSIE BARONY [U.K.] 1874-76, and extra Equerry to him 1876-80. yj M.P. (Liberal) for Liverpool Mar. to July 1880; Lord in Waiting 1880-85; J^-T. 7 Dec. 1881; Sec. for Scotland Mar. to Aug. 1886. P.C. 3 Apr. 1886. He w., 6 Dec. 1877, at St. James's, Westm., Ida Louisa, 2nd da. of Charles (Bennet), 6th Earl of Tankerville, by Olivia, da. of George (Montagu), 6th Duke of Manchester. She, who was b. 22 June I 857, at 76 South Audley Str., d. of blood poisoning, 24 Nov. 1 887, at the H6tel Frascati, Havre, aged 30. He d. there (next day), 25 Nov., aged 40, both being bur. together (from 5 Hereford Gardens, Midx.) i Dec. 1887, at Cockpen.Q His will, dat. 24 Sep. 1886, pr. Dec. 1887, at ;^i 1,438. EARLDOM [S.] XIV. BARONY [S, XV. 14 and 15. Arthur George Maule (Ram- say), Earl of Dalhousie [1633], Lord nj, Ramsay of Dalhousie [16 18], and Lord Ram- '■ SAY AND Carrington [1633] in Scotland, also Baron Ramsay of Glenmark [U.K. 1875], s. and h., b. 4 Sep. 1878, at Atkinson's Hotel, Torquay; i/v/(?i^LoRD Ramsay 1880-87. Ed. at BARONY [U.K.] Eton, and at Univ. Coll. Oxford; ent. the Army, TT| Scots Guards, 1 900, and served therein as Lieut, in South Africa 1 901-02, C") Queen's Medal and 4 clasps. A Conservative. He w., 14 July 1903, at St. Michael's, Chester Sq., Mary Adelaide, 6th and yst. da. of Gilbert Henry (Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby), ist Earl of Ancaster, by Evelyn Elizabeth, 2nd da. of Charles (Gordon), loth Marquess of Huntly. She was ^. at 12 Belgrave Sq., 25 Apr., and bap. 23 June 1878, at Nor- manton, Rutland. [John Gilbert Ramsay, styled Lord Ramsay, s. and h. ap., b. 25 July 1904.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 136,021 acres (valued at but ;^55,6oi a year) in Forfarshire, and 1,419 in Midlothian. Total, 137,440 acres, valued at ;{^58,6o3 a year. Principal Residences. — Dalhousie Castle, Midlothian; Panmure House and Brechin Castle, both co. Forfar.('=) (») "One of the truest hearts that ever was attracted to public life." (John Morley). V.G. () For a list of peers and heirs ap. of peers who fought in this war, see vol. iii. Appendix B. ("=) In the extent of his estates the Earl of Dalhousie stands 15th, and in point of rental 17th, among the 28 noblemen, who, in 1883, possessed above I00,000 acres in the United Kingdom. See a list of these in vol. vi. Appendix H.