Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/543

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DUNDEE 525 V. 1706. 5. William Graham, of Duntroon atsd., s. and h., and, but for the forfeiture, Viscount of Dundee, iifc. [S.]. He joined in the Rising of 1715, and was consequently attainted in 1 7 1 6. He m. Christian, da. of James Graham, merchant of Dundee. He, who was in receipt of an allowance from the titular King James HI, d. 1 7 17, before 15 Oct.(*) His widow, by whom he had 8 or 9 children living at his death, had her husband's allowance continued to her, and d. between 21 Dec. 17 17 and 26 Dec. 1729. VI 1717. 6. James Graham, of Duntroon afsd., only s. and h., and, but for the forfeitures [1690 and 171 6], Vis- count OF Dundee and Lord Graham of Claverhouse [S.]. He sold Duntroon, 26 Nov. 1735, to his uncle, Alexander Graham. C") Engaging in the Rising of 1745, he also was attainted, as "James Graham, late of Duntroon taking on himself the title of Viscount of Dundee." He had a company in Lord Ogilvy's regt. in the French service, and d. (ap- parently s.p.) at Dunkirk in 1759. Since that date the title appears never to have been assumed. (") EARLDOM [S. II. 1705. Giovanni Baptista Gualterio, br. of Cardinal G., was cr. shortly before 12 Nov. 1705, by the titular King James III, EARL OF DUNDEE [S.].(^) The King's letter to him, of that date, runs as follows: " We have such particular obligations to the Nuncio your brother that (*) His funeral expenses, 78 livres, 11 sols, were oaid by James, 27 Nov. 1717. V.G. C^) This Alexander settled the estate on his brother, David Graham (titular 7th Viscount), who d. 1766, aged 79, leaving an only s. and h., Alexander Graham, of Duntroon, who d. 1782, leaving an only s. and h., another Alexander, who d. up., in 1802, leaving his sisters his coheirs. Of these only two married: the eldest, Amelia, who inherited Duntroon, marrying, in 1781, Patrick Stirling, who took the surname and arms of Graham. (') The issue male of Sir William Graham, of Claverhouse, the great-grandfather of the 1st Viscount, appears to have failed in 1802 (see preceding note), but "there may be issue male from John Graham, the uncle of Walter, the first of Duntroon, and there appear to be male heirs now in existence, who derive their descent from Robert Graham, of Fintry, the elder brother of John Graham, the ancestor of the first Viscount Dundee." {Hewlett, p. 139). In the JVestmimter Gazette of 4 Feb. 1903, it is stated that "There has just died near Melbourne [Victoria] a retired stipendiary magistrate named Graham Webster, who is locally described 'as the last descendant [sic' of John Graham of Claverhouse, the bonnie Dundee of Jacobite song.' " He emigrated to Australia in 1 85 i . This, in all probability, was one of the three sons of James Graham of Balmuir, who took the name of Webster in 1 81 6, and very probably the last of that branch. G.E.C. and V.G. (**) The title selected seems singularly inappropriate for a Jacobite creation, having regard to the fact that the Viscountcy of Dundee (except for the forfeiture in