Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/559

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DUNLEATH 541 DUNKERON i.e. "DuNKERON, CO. Kerry," Viscountcy [I.] (Petty), cr. 1 719, with the Earldom of Shelburne [I.], which see; both e.xtinct 1751. i.e. "DuNKERON," Barony [I.] {FitzMaurice-Petty), cr. 175 1, with the ViscouNTCY OF FitzMaurice [I.]; see " Shelburne," Earldom of' [1.], cr. 1753- DUNLEATH OF BALLYWALTER BARONY. I. John Mulholland, ist s. and h. of Andrew M., of Ballywalter Park, co. Down {d. 24 Aug. 1866, aged I. 1892. 74), by Elizabeth, da. of Thomas MacDonnell, of Belfast, was b. 16 Dec. 18 19, at Belfast; ed. at Hazlewood school, and at the Royal Academy at Belfast; was proprietor of the York Street Flax Spinning Company at Belfast; Sheriff of co. Down, 1868, and of CO. Tyrone, 1873; M.P. for Downpatrick, 1874-85 (Conservative); Hon. LL.D. of Dublin, 1881. He was cr., 29 Aug. 1892,0 BARON DUNLEATH OF BALLYWALTER, co. Down. He m., 2 Apr. 1851, Frances Louisa, da. of Hugh Lyle, of Knocktarna, co. Derry, by Harriet, da. of John Cromie. He ^. 11 Dec. 1895, ^^ 7 Eaton Sq., Midx., aged within 5 days of 76, and was bur. at Ballywalter. Will pr. at £c,'iT„26G gross and ^^497, 523 net personalty. () His widow d. 23 Feb. 1909, at 41 Prince's Gate, Midx. II. 1895. -• Henry Lyle (Mulholland), Baron Dunleath OF Ballywalter, 2nd() but ist surv. s. and h., b. 30 Jan. 1854; ed. at Eton. Sometime Lieut. R.E., and Major 5th batt. Royal Irish Rifles; Sheriff of co. Down 1884; M.P. for North Londonderry 1885-95 (Conservative). He m., 28 July 1881, in Old Court Chapel, Strangford, Nora Louisa Fanny, da. of the Hon. Somerset Richard Hamilton Augusta Ward, Capt. 72nd Highlanders (5th s. of the 3rd Viscount Bangor), by Nora Mary Elizabeth, ist da. of Lord George Augusta Hill (*) This was one of eight Baronies conferred at the recommendation of Lord Salisbury, when leaving office; for a list of which see note sub Llangattock. (^) He was said to have divided the chief part of his property among his children a week over the year before his death and so to have saved the succession duty. G.E.C. " He was an excellent man of business and made a huge fortune in the Belfast linen industry; he was an enthusiastic yachtsman, a Tory of the old Ulster school, and was an admirable speaker on commercial subjects. He owned large estates in the north of Ireland, and was a most popular landlord." [Truth, 19 Dec. 1895). V.G. ("=) His elder br., Andrew Walter, h. 30 Sep. 1852, ed. at Eton, m., 15 Mar. 1877, Amy Harriet, da. of John (Lubbock), 1st Lord Avebury, and d. s.p., 2 June 1877. V.G.