Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/561

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DUNMORE 543 that regt. 1685-88; Master of the Horse to the Queen (Mary of Modena) 1685-88. He was, 16 Aug. i686,(*) cr. EARL OF DUN- MORE, VISCOUNT OF FINCASTLE, LORD MURRAY OF BLAIR, MOULIN, AND TILLEMOT [S.]. Being suspected of adhering to his deposed Sovereign, he was deprived of the command of the Scots Greys, and imprisoned, June 1689, in Edinburgh Castle, being released on bail Jan. 1690. In May 1692 he was charged with High Treason, and committed to the Tower, but was again released on bail, in 1696 he was again arrested on the same charge, and imprisoned in Liver- pool. P.C. to Queen Anne [S.] 4 Feb. 1 702/3, and a steady supporter of the Union; Gov. of Blackness Castle, 1707-10. He m., 8 Dec. 1682, at St. Edmund the King, London, Catherine, da. of Richard Watts, of Great Munden, Herts, by Catherine, da. of Major Gen. Robert Werden, of Cholmeaton, co. Chester. He d. 19, and was bur. 24 Apr. 17 10, in the Chapel of Holyrood House, aged 49. Fun. entry at Lyon office. His wife survived him a short time. Her admon. dat. 22 Jan. 1710/1, revoked, and will pr. June 17 14. [James Murray, ist s. and h. ap., b. at St. James's Palace, 7, and bap. 17 Dec. 1683, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields; ;n7^i3' Viscount Fincastle 1 686-1 704, matric. at Oxford (Gloucester Hall) 24 Nov. 1698; Capt. in the Scots Foot 29 Jan. 1703/4. He;«., 29 Apr. 1702, at Livingstone, Janet, da. of Patrick Murray, of Livingstone, who surv. him. He d. v.p. and s.p., in camp, at Breda, in Flanders, 29 Sep. 1704, aged 20.] II. 1 7 10. 2. John (Murray), Earl OF DuNMORE, (^ffc. [S.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h., b. at Whitehall, 31 Oct. 1685; styled Viscount Fincastle, 1704-10; was, on 24 Jan. 1707, served h. to his elder br. abovenamed. He served (as Ensign) at the battle of Blenheim, 1704; at the capture of Vigo (as Brig. Gen.) 1719; in Flanders, 1732, and at the battle of Dettingen, 1743, where he was made a Knight Banneret by the King;() Major Gen. 1735, Lieut. Gen. 1739, becoming, finally, a Gen. in the Army, 1745. He was also Col. of the 3rd regt. of Foot Guards (now Scots Fusiliers), 1713-52; Rep. Peer [S.] 1713-14 (Tory) and 1727-52 (W'^hig) ; (*=) a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1731-52; and Gov. of Plymouth, 1745-52. He d. unm., in London, 18, and was bur. 24 Apr. 1752, at Stanwell, Midx., in his 67th year, having purchased the manor of Stanwell in 1720. Will pr. 4 June 1752. (•) This was one of the six hereditary Scottish peerages cr. by James II, for a list of which see ante, p. 523, note " b," iuh Dundee. C*) See vol. iii, p. 572, note "e." ("=) He abandoned his Tory politics some time after the accession of the House of Hanover. V.G.