Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/569

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DUNSANY 551 DUNSANY [^Observations. — The origin of this Peerage is obscure; the precedence usually assigned to it is next after (^) that of Trimleston, a Barony [I.] cr. by patent 4 Mar. (1461/2) 2 Edw. IV, at which same date (according to some) the Barony of Portlester [I.] was granted to Rowland FitzEustace, and this Barony of Dunsany [I.] to Sir Christopher Plunkett-C") The opinion of [Walter Burgh and John FitzGibbon] the Chief Law Officers [I.], in their report, 26 Apr. 1782, on the claim to this title, states "that the evidence of the claimant's ancestors having sat and voted as Peers of Ireland from 9 Hen. VII to the commencement of the reign of William and Mary was clear, and that from the precedence appearing, from the Journals of the House of Lords, to have been taken by the Lords Dunsany, there was strong reasons to conclude that the said title and honours existed in the claimant's family as early as the reign of Edward IV."] BARONY [I.] I. Sir Christopher Plunkett, of Dunsany, co. , . p Meath, 2nd s. of Christopher (Plunkett), ist Lord ^ ~ ' KiLLEEN [I.], by Joan, da. and h. of Sir Luke Cusack, of Killeen and Dunsany, was b. about 14 10; was, in the life- time of his parents (1438-39), 17 Hen. VI, styled '^ Dominus de Dunsany," having already acquired that estate, and was, after 4 Mar. 146 1/2, but(') probably in 1462, cr. LORD DUNSANY [I.]. He ;«., istly, Anne, da. and h. of Richard FitzGerald, of Ballysonan, co. Kildare, by Julia, widow of Richard Wellesley, da. of Nicholas de Castlemartin. He m., 2ndly, Elizabeth, sister of Robert, ist Viscount Gormanston [I.], da. of Sir Christopher Preston, of Gormanston, by Jane, da. cf Sir Jenico Dartois. He d. probably late in 1462, or in 1463. Will, in which he describes him- self as " Sir Xphor Plunket, Knt," and directs his burial to be at Killeen, dat. the day of St. Peter ad vincula 2 Edw. IV [i Aug. 1462]. His 2nd wife was living i Aug. 1462. II. 1462 ? 2. Richard (Plunkett), Lord Dunsany [I.], s. and h. by 1st wife. He m. Joan, da. and coh. of Rowland (FitzEustace), Baron Portlester [I.], by Margaret, da. of Sir Jenico Dartois. He was living 17 June 1477, but d. before 1482. (^) It is so placed in 1489, being the lowest of the nine Baronies, whose holders were sum. in that year by Henry VII to Greenwich. See vol. i. Appendix A. C") See the Order in Council made by the Lord Deputy, printed in Lodge's Pierage (Archdall), vol. v, p. 40, note, concerning the Precedency of Lords Trimleston and Dunsany. (G. D. Burtchaell). V.G. (*) Camden, in his Hibernia, says that this Christopher " titulum Baronis Dunsany, su& virtute, comequtus erat" while of his father he says that *"■ evectm fuerat ad dignitatem Baronis Killin, quod per uxorem, e stirpe Cusakia hseredem, ipsi obvenerat."