Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/622

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6o4 APPENDIX G [35] John Fiennes,(*) 3rd s. of William (Fiennes), ist Viscount Save and Sele, by Elizabeth Temple his wife, both abovenamed. He was Capt. of a troop of Horse under the Earl of Essex; took part in the attack on Worcester, 23 Sep. 1642; and was present in Bristol during the siege, Feb. to July 1643; Col. of Horse 1643; besieged Banbury, Aug. to Oct. 1 644; Col. of a regt. of Horse, in the " New Model," 1 5 Feb. 1644/5; fought at Naseby, under the command of Cromwell,() 14 June 1645. Councillor of State 13 June 1657. M.P. for Morpeth, in the Long Pari., 20 Oct. 1645. He was sum. to the " Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "John Lord Fyennes," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords. He survived the Restoration, and was included in the Act of Indemnity. He m. Susannah,(<=) da. of Thomas Hobbs, of Amwell Magna, Herts. She d. 22 July 1715, at Bath, and was bur. at Broughton, co. Oxford, aged 58. FLEETWOOD [6] Charles Fleetwood,(^) of Wallingford House, Whitehall,(') and Stoke Newington, Midx., 3rd s. of Sir Miles F., of Aldwincle, Northants (Rec. Gtn. of the Court of Wards, d. 8 Mar. 1 640/1), by Anne, da. of Nicholas Luke, of Woodend, Beds; b. about 1620; admitted Gray's Inn 30 Nov. 1638. He enlisted as a trooper in the Life-guard of the Earl of Essex in 1642; Capt. before 2 May 1643; wounded at the first battle of Newbury, 20 Sep. 1643; Col. in the army com. by the Earl of Manchester 1644; Col. of the 4th regt. of Horse, in the " New Model,"Q 1 645 ; fought at Naseby, 1 4 June 1645; ^""^ com. the right wing of the Pari. if) " Mr. John Fiennes, son of the Lord Say, ... a sectary but no great stickler; . . . will, it is probable, follow his brother, who is, as it is thought, much steered by old subtlety, his father, that lies in his den, as Thurloe by his Mr. St. John, and will say No with the rest, when any thing opposes the interest of the new court." {Second Narrative of the late Parliament). C") Cromwell writes of him, 28 Apr. 1645: " His diligence is great, and this I must testify, that I find no man more ready to all services than himself" (Carlyle's Cromwelly App. no. 7). if) Their 5th but only surv. s., Lawrence Fiennes, sue. his cousin Nathaniel, as 5th Viscount, 2 Jan. 1709/10, and d. unm., 27 Dec. 1742. if) He bore for arms: Party wavy Gold and Azure with six martlets counter- coloured. (*) Wallingford House stood at the end of the Tilt-yard, in Whitehall, on the site of the present Admiralty, and was so called after Sir William Knollys, Treasurer of the Household, who was cr. Viscount Wallingford in 1616. He sold it to George Villiers, ist Duke of Buckingham, in 1 62 1, who resided there. The "General Council of Army Officers," better known as the " Wallingford House " party, used to meet there after the death of Cromwell, it being then the official residence of Major Gen. Fleetwood. At the Restoration it reverted to the 2nd Duke of Buckingham. (') After the Earl of Essex, and "many gallant men, his Officers," had been set aside by the Pari., and had resigned their commissions, 2 Apr. 1645, "the King's Party looked upon the new Army and new Officers with much contempt, and the New Model was by them in scorn called the New Noddle." (Whitelocke's Memorials, p. 140).