Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/626

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6o8 APPENDIX G and for Scandalous Offences 5 June 1646. Having moved the dis- bandment of the army, he was impeached of high treason by the Inde- pendents, 16 June 1647, and imprisoned in the Tower. He was sum. to the " Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "John Lord Glynne Cheife Justice of the vpper bench," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords. At the Restoration he was made Serjeant-at-law, i June 1660, and King's Serjeant 8 Nov. 1660. He was knighted by Charles II, 16 Nov. 1660, and rode in the cavalcade at his Coronation, 23 Apr. i66i.(') He m., istly, Frances, da. of Arthur Squib, M.P. for Midx., a Commissioner of Sequestered Estates. () He m., 2ndly, Anne, widow of Sir Thomas Lawley, of Spoonbill, Salop, Bart, (who d. 19 Oct. 1646), da. of John Manning, of Hackney, Midx., and Cralle Manor, Sussex (sometime English Resident at The Hague), by his i st wife,(') Anne, da. of William Bond, of London. He d. 1 5 Nov. 1 666, in Portugal Row, Lincoln's Inn Fields, and was iur. in the chancel of St. Margaret's, Westminster, aged 64. Will dat. 16 Aug. 1664 (with codicil 10 Nov. 1665), pr. 12 Jan. 1666/7. His widow d. before 19 Dec. i668.('^) GOFFE [61] William Goffe,(") Regicide, s. of Stephen G. (a Puritanical divine. Rector of Bramber,(') Sussex, 1 603-1 606), by Deborah his wife (who ^. 8 Nov. 1626, and was l>ur. at Stanmer: M.I.); I?, about 1610, at Haver- fordwest, CO. Pembroke.(6) Hon. M.A., Oxford, 19 May 1649. ^^ (=) Pepys writes: " Serj' Glynne's horse fell upon him yesterday, and is like to kill him, which people do please themselves to see how just God is to punish the rogue at such a time as this." (•>) " John Glyn . . . made his Father-in-Law, Mr. Squib, Clarenceaux Herald in Sir William Neve's place, worth ^ool.per annum." [Pari Hist, of England, vol. xxii, p. 185). (■=) Manning's 2nd wife was Hester, ist da. and coh. ot John La Mott, Alder- man of London. She m., 2ndly, Sir Thomas Honywood, of Markshall, Essex. (See under Honywood in this Appendix). (f) Her will, directing her burial to be with her parents at St. Andrew's Undershaft, London, dat. 23 Jan. 1666/7, P""- ^9 Dec. 1668. (P.C.C, 155 Hene). (*) He bore for arms: Azure a cheveron between two fleurs de lys and a lion Gold. These arms were confirmed to his descendant, Joseph GofF, of Hale Park, Hants, by Sir William Betham, Ulster, 26 Mar. 1845. {Ex inform. G. D. Burtchaell). Noble states that his br. John was a clergyman of the Established Church, and his br. Stephen turned Roman Catholic, and became chaplain to Queen Henrietta Maria. Another br., James Goffe, citizen and leather-seller of London, made his will 17 Jan. 1656/7, appointing Major Gen. William GofFe one of his exors. (P.C.C, 63 Ruthtn). (') He is called by Wood " the puritanical minister of Stanmer," but his name dpes not occur in the list of rectors of that parish given in Sussex Arch. Soc. Collections, vol.xxvi, pp. 86-90. He wasinstit. rector of Bramber and St. Botolph's 13 June 1603. (8) The Corporation of Haverfordwest wrote to " their much-honoured friend Colonel William GofFe," I Mar. 165 1/2: "The love that you were pleased to show towards this towne (being your native place) at your last being here . . . have em- boldened us to praie your assistance." The mayor's account for the year 1648