Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/636

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6i8 APPENDIX G affixed upon the Naither Bow."(*) His widow was bur., 7 Sep. 1670, in the Greyfriars, Edinburgh. (•>) JONES _S2>] John Jones,('=) Regicide, s. of Thomas ap John, or Jones, by- Ellen, da. of Robert Wynn, of Taltrenddyn; b. at Maes-y-Garnedd, co. Merioneth. Joined the Pari, army at commencement of the Civil War, as Capt. of Foot; Col. in 1646; voted /^2,ooo for arrears of pay 4 Oct. 1648. M.P. for CO. Merioneth, in the Long Pari., 3 Nov. 1647, and 1656-57; and, in the "Restored Rump," 7 May 1659. He was one of the Judges app. for the King's trial, and signed the death-warrant, 29 Jan. 1648/9. Commissioner for Ireland July 1650 and 24 Aug. 1652; Col. in Irish army under Lieut. Gen. Fleetwood 1653. Councillor of State 14 Feb. 1648/9, 13 Feb. 1649/50, and 13 May to 25 Oct. 1659. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "John Lord Jones," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords. Member of the Committee of Safety 7 May 1659; one of the three Commissioners for Ireland 7 July 1659. Having supported Gen. Lambert and the army against the Pari., he was arrested at Dublin, 13 Dec. 1659, and impeached of High Treason, 19 Jan. 1659/60, but was soon after released. At the Restoration he made no attempt to leave the kingdom, was arrested at Finsbury, 2 June 1660, and imprisoned in the Tower. He was absolutely excepted from the Act of Indemnity, 4 June 1660. He m., istly ( — ), da. of ( — ) Edwards; she was bur. in Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin, 9 Dec. 1651. He ;;;., 2ndly, before Mar. 1655/6, Katherine, widow of Roger Whetstone, of Whittle- sea, in the Isle of Ely, 3rd da. of Robert Cromwell, of Huntingdon, by Elizabeth, da. of William Steward, of Ely. He was tried and condemned as a Regicide 12 Oct., and executed at Charing Cross 17 Oct. 1660. JONES [34] Philip Jones,('*) of Fonmon Castle, co. Glamorgan, s. and h. of David Johnes, of Penywaun in Llangyfelach, in the same co.; b. at Swansea about 161 8. Col. in the Pari, army; Gov. of Swansea 17 Nov. (^) Acts of the Pari, of Scotland, vol. vii, App., p. 95. C") See note " c " on preceding page. (') " Colonel John Jones, a gentleman of Wales . . . One of good principles for common justice and freedom, had he kept them, and not fallen into temptation; . . . he is governor of the Isle of Anglesey, and lately married the protector's sister, a widow: by which means he might have become a great man indeed, did not something stick which he cannot well get down: he is not thorough-paced for the court pro- ceedings, nor is his conscience fully hardened against the good old cause." [Second Narrative of the late Parliament). (^) He bore for arms: Sable a cheveron Silver between three spear-heads with blood on the points. These arms, with three other quarterings, were depicted on a pedigree attested by George Owen, Tork Herald, in 1654.