Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/64

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48 DAMORY to enfeoff the King of all the lands which he held in demesne, but was ordered to enfeoff Sir John Chaundos thereof.(*) He d. s.p., 29 Mar. 1375-0 ^^^ exs, are unknown. (') DANBY EARLDOM. Henry Danvers, 2nd s. of Sir John D., of Dauntsey, Wilts, and of Danby Castle, in the North Riding, co. I. 1626 York, by Elizabeth, 4th da. and coh. of John (Nevill), to Lord Latimer, heiress of Danby Castle afsd.; was b. 1644. 28 June, and bap. i July 1573, at Dauntsey; served in the wars in the Low Countries under Maurice, Prince of Orange, both by sea and land; was made a Capt. in the wars of France, and there knighted for his good services, as also, 8 Oct. 1591, by the Earl (^) Close Roll, 22>Y.diW.l,m.2<)A. On 5 Oct. 1358, John Chaundos was granted the reversion of the manor of Woodperry which Richard held for life, but Richard surrendered it to John by lie. dated 12 June 1 360, when he also obtained lie. to en- feoflF John of the manor of Headington, the hundreds of Bullingdon and Without the North Gate of Oxford (the reversion of which had been granted to his father by the King at fee farm, 23 Aug. 1 1 Edw. II — Fine Roll, m. 13, schedule), Richard and his executors to hold the premises for his life and a year after his death, reversion to John and his heirs. {Patent Rolls, 32 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 25; 34 Edw. Ill, /. i,m. 8). On account of this feoffment, in the Inq. next below (which concerns these premises only) the heirs of John, not those of Richard, were returned. (*") "Ricardus Damory chivaler." Writ of diem ci. ext. 4 Apr. 49 Edw. in England and 36 in France. Inq., Oxon, 28 May 1375. "Et dicunt quod predictus Ricardus obiit die Jovis proximo post festum Annunciacionis beate Marie virginis anno supradicto Et dicunt quod Elizabetha Chaundos et Alianora Chaundos quam Rogerus Colynge duxit in uxorem sorores predicti Johannis Chaundos et Isabella filia Margarete tercie sororum ejusdem Johannis quam quidem Isabellam Johannes de Annesley chivaler duxit in uxorem sunt heredes ejusdem Johannis propinquiores et quelibet earum etatis xxvj annorum et amplius." (Ch. hiq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 243, no. 36). (') On ID June 1347, he had lie. to entail the manors of Codington and Head- ington, the hundreds named above, and the bailiwick of the forestry of Somerset, on himself and the heirs male of his body, rem. to John his br., rem. to Joan his sister and the heirs male of her body, rem. to his own right heirs. {Patent Roll, 21 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 30). Sir Nicholas Dammory, Steward of the Household to Isabel, the King's da. {Patent Roll, 33 Edw. Ill, p. 1, m. 29), Knight of the Shire for cos. Hunts and Oxon, and one of the executors of Elizabeth de Burgh, was probably his first cousin. In 1340 John Bardolf and Elizabeth his wife granted the manor of Holton to this Nicholas, for life. {Patent Rolls, 14 Edw. Ill, p. i, m. 6; 47 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 35). He m., istly, Alianore {d. before 29 July 1360), widow of Sir Alan la Zouche, of Ashby, CO. Leicester {d. 12 Nov. 1346: see Zouche): and 2ndly, Joan, who was living 8 May 1381. In his will, dat. at Depden, Suffolk, Sunday after the Purifica- tion [3 Feb.] 1380/1, pr. 8 May 1 381, directing his burial to be in Depden Church, he mentions this Joan, but no other relation. {Norwich Reg., Haydone, f. 185 v).