Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/646

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628 APPENDIX G da. of Sir Sydney Montagu, of HinchinbrokejC) Hunts, by his ist wife, Paulina, 4th da. of John Pepys, of Cottenham, Cambs, by his ist wife, Edith, da. and h. of Edmund Talbot, of Cottenham afsd. He d. about 18 Oct. i668,() aged 57, and was bur. in -the north aisle of Tichmersh Church. M.I. Admon. 5 May 1669 to Elizabeth his relict, who pr. his will (undated) 4 Dec. 1672. She d. about 1679, and was bur. with him at Tichmersh. M.I. PIERREPONT [19] William Pierrepont,(') of Thoresby, Notts, 2nd s. of Robert (Pierrepont), 1st Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull {cr. 1628), by Gertrude, 1st da. and coh. of Henry Talbot, 4th s. of George (Talbot), 6th Earl OF Shrewsbury; b. about 1608. Sheriff of- Salop 1638. M.P. for Much Wenlock, Salop, in the Long Pari., 26 Oct. 1640 to i648;(^) for Notts 1654, and in the Convention Pari. 26 Mar. 1660. Member of the Com- mittee of Safety 4 July 1642; Commissioner to treat with the King in Nov. 1642 and Jan. 1642/3; Member of the Westminster Assembly I July 1643; one of the Committee of Both Kingdoms 16 Feb. 1643/4; Commissioner for Determining Scandalous Offences 5 June 1646, and "to prevent Abuses in Heraldry" 19 Mar. 1645/6. He was one of the 15 Commissioners to treat with the King at Newport in Sep. 1647, and received the thanks of Pari., i Dec. 1648, for his services during the negotiations. (') He strongly disapproved of the King's trial, but supported the elevation of Cromwell to the Protectorate. (*) He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, but never took his seat.(«) Councillor of State 25 Feb. to 6 Mar. 1659/60. He was one of the Presbyterian leaders who wished to impose terms on Charles II, but was not molested at (*) See ante^ p. 624, note " d." C") Pepys writes, 21 Oct. 1668: "I to my Lord Sandwich's lodgings," where "I hear that Sir Gilbert Pickering is lately dead, about three days since, which makes some sorrow there, though not much, because of his being long expected to die." {Diary, vol. viii, p. 127). l'^) He bore for arms: Silver a lion Sable, the field powdered with cinqfoils Gules; with 17 otiier quarterings, "as they were sett out by S' William Segar, Garter, for the Earle of Kingston." [Visitation of Notts, 161 4). {^) He was one of the members excluded by " Pride's Purge," 6 Dec. 1648. if} He received something more substantial than thanks : " William Pierrepoint hath 7,000/. given him, and all the Earl of Kingston's Estate (being sequestered) worth 10,000/." {Pari. Hist., vol. xxii, p. 199). (') Cromwell refers to him, in a letter to Hammond dat. 6 Nov. 1648, as "my wise freind, who thinks y' the inthroneing the King w* presbitery brings spiritual slavery, but w"" a moderate episcopacy workes a good peace. Both are a hard choice." {Clarke Papers, vol. ii, p. 50). (8) When the House was called over, 2 Feb. 1657/8, he was one of the eleven " Lords " who " being called Did not appeare nor any excuse made for them." See Introduction to this Appendix, p. 591.