Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/657

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APPENDIX G 639 CO. Oxford; b. about 1599, being aged 23 in 1622; admitted Gray's Inn 21 May 1 61 7. He was knighted at Whitehall, by Charles 1, 24 June 1630, and cr. a Baronet, 30 July 1641. M.P. for Hedon, co. York, in the Long Pari., 1640-53; and for the E. Riding 12 July 1654, 1656-57, and, in the "Restored Rump," 7 May 1659 to 16 Mar. 1659/60. Commissioner for Scandalous Offences 5 June 1646; Gov. of West- minster school 26 Sep. 1649; and Commissioner for visiting Univ. of Cambridge 2 Sep. 1654. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "William Lord Strickland," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords. (") He was not molested at the Restoration, but took no further part in public affairs. He »;., istly, 18 June 1622, at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch (lie, 11 June, Bishop of London; he 23 and she 18), Margaret, sister of Sir Hugh Cholmley, 1st Bart. (cr. 1641), ist da. of Sir Richard Cholmley, of Whitby, co. York, by his ist wife, Susan, da. of John Legard, of Ganton, co. York, and of London, merchant. She d. s.p.m., 1629, and was bur. at Whitby. He m., 2ndly, 3 May 1631, at St. George's, Canterbury, Frances, ist da. of Thomas (Finch), ist Earl of Winchilsea, by Cicely, sister of Sir John Wentworth, Bart. {cr. 161 1), da. of John Wentworth, of Gosfield, Essex. He was bur. 16 Sep. 1673, at Boynton afsd. Will (nuncupative) pr. at York, 26 Sep. 1673. [32] Walter Strickland, yr. s. of Walter S., of Boynton, co. York, by Frances Wentworth his wife, both abovenamed; b. about 1600; and admitted Gray's Inn 18 Aug. 161 8. English Agent at The Hague C") Aug. 1642 to 21 June 1650; Ambassador to the States-General, with Chief Justice St. John, 23 Jan. 1650/1. "Captain-general of the Protector's magpye, or gray-coated foot-guard in Whitehall," 1654. M.P. for Minehead, in the Long Pari., 1645; for the E. Riding 12 July 1654; for Newcastle 1656-57; and, in the "Restored Rump," 7 May 1659 to 16 Mar. 1659/60. Councillor of State 13 Feb. 1 650/1, 25 Nov. 1652, 29 Apr. 1653 (President 6 Dec. 1653), and 13 June to 31 Dec. 1657; Councillor to the Lord Protector, with a salary of /, 1,000 State. He (f. 10 Nov. 1597, a prisoner in the Tower. (W. J. Rutton's Family of IVentworth, p. 242). (») " Sir William Strickland, knight of the old stamp, a gentleman of York- shire, . . . hath now, it seems, forgotten the cause of fighting with and cutting off the late king's head, and suppressing the lords, their house, and negative voice: he was . . . of good compliance with the new court, and settling the protector anew in all those things for which the king was cut off; wherefore he is fit, no doubt, to be taken out of the house and made a lord." (Second Narrative oj the late Parliament). (*>) " He is one that can serve a commonwealth and also a prince, so he may serve himself and his own ends by it; having so greatly profited by attending the Hogen Mogans, and become so expert in the ceremony postures, and thereby so apt like an ape, with his brother Sir Gilbert, and the president, to imitate or act the part of an old courtier in the new court." [Second Narrative of the late Parliament).