Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/661

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APPENDIX G 643 1664. (") He m. Anne, da. of ( — ) ( — ). He d. a prisoner in the Tower of London, and was bur. there 6 July ibiz.i^) TOMLINSON [57] Mathew Tomlinson,() 2nd s. of John T., of York (will pr. 5 June 161 8), by Eleanorj^) da. of Mathew Dodsworth, Registrar of York Cathedral and Chancellor of that diocese; bap. 24 Sep. 1617, at Holy Trinity, Y'ork. He was ent. at one of the Inns of Court, and enlisted in the Life-guard of the Earl of Essex, in i642;("') Capt. 1644; Major in the 8th regt. of Horse (com. by Sir Robert Rye), in the " New Model," 15 Feb. 1644/5; C°^- of that regt. 1647, and was with Cromwell in Scotland 1650. He presented the "Remonstrance," 25 June 1647; was app. to take charge of the King, 23 Dec. 1648 till his death, and accompanied him to the scaffold. He was one of the Judges nom. for the King's trial, but took no part in the proceedings; he was present in Westminster Hall when the sentence was pronounced, but did not sign the death-warrant. Member of the Committee on Law Reform 17 Jan. 165 1/2, and of the Irish Council 27 Aug. 1654 and 16 Nov. 1657. Councillor of State 29 Apr. 1653, and was co- opted to sit in the " Barebones " Pari. 4 July 1653. He was knighted in Ireland by Henry Cromwell, Lord Deputy, 24 Nov. 1657, although suspected of intrigues against his government, and was app. one ot the five Commissioners for Ireland 7 July 1659. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, but did not take his seat, "being detained by sickness;" he took the oath and his seat in Richard Cromwell's House ot Lords, as "Mathew Lo[rd] Tomlinson," 27 Jan. 1658/9. At the if) "Warrant to Capt. John Strode, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to permit Ann Tichborne, with her two children and maid servant, to see her husband Robert Tich- borne, and if she please to remain shut up with him in prison. 14 May 1664." {Cal. S. P. Dom., 1663-4, p. 592). C*) Luttrell writes, 8 July 1682 : "Alderman Tichburn, one of the late kinii's regicides, died lately in the Tower, where he was prisoner." {Brief Relation, vol. i, p. 204). His burial is recorded in the Reg. of St. Peter ad Vincula, 1682: " Tichburne Alderman of Lond., July 6." {Ex inform. Rev. P. R. Mitchell, C.F., Chaplain of the Tower). (■=) He bore for arms: Sable a fesse between three rising falcons Gold. In the Viiitation of Yorkshire, 1665, Dugdale notes '■^ No proof made of these arms " but they were gr. by Cooke, Clarenceux, in 1590, to Thomas Thomlinson, s. and h. of Roger T., of CO. York, who was Mathew's great-grandfather. {Genealogist, N.S., vol. xii, p. 267). C) Her eld. br. was Roger Dodsworth, of Hutton Grange, Lanes, the cele- brated antiquary (i 585-1654). She was m., 17 Aug. i6o8, at Holy Trinity, York. {'} " Being informed that the Parliament had resolved to raise a life-guard for the Earl of Essex to consist of a hundred gentlemen . . . most of our company entred themselves therein ; . . . amongst whom were Mr. Charles Fleetwood . . . Colonel Thomlinson . . . and myself." (Ludlow's Memoirs, vol. i, p. 39).